Google Chrome Keeps Disconnecting Internet

Posted on Monday, February 25th, 2013

As fast as Google’s Internet browser Chrome is, it still has some problems.

I’m no expert, but sometimes Google Chrome just doesn’t like to operate in a friendly way. I get the feeling something is pinging something to the point it locks up our router and outright disconnects the Internet. My logic tells me it could be many things:

-Virus, trojan, malware – It could be a dialer, adware, somekind of software that is calling home. If you suspect this, then you will want to update all your malicious software detection software and scan your computer.

-Buggy software like Java. Yes, Java, in itself shouldn’t be harmful, but if someone creates an app that is hacky or crude, you’re going to encounter problems. In my case, I disabled this sombitch and it seemed to do the trick.

Type into the Chrome URL chrome://plugins
Then find the Java plugins and disable them.

-Bad Hardware/Modem/Router – This would be pretty obvious and should have been your first suspicion. But if it really is wonky or breaking down, then your ISP can replace it or you can buy a new one.

-Too many people on your line – With today’s broadband increasing, it’s still a lot of load on the line if too many people share the bandwidth. Make sure no moochers or not too many people are sapping all the bandwidth. I know game developer Valve’s Steam service really fucks up people’s bandwidth (and currently they don’t give a hoot). So if you have someone who uses Steam, have them use it when no one else needs the Internet.

And those are the troubleshooting ideas I can think of to solve your Google Chrome dilemma. There might not be a direct correlation with Chrome itself, and you might just want to switch browsers to test our your own theories, but that’s why I personally have to deal with. And if all fails, there’s a wealth of knowledge at the tip of your finger tips who might be able to help too.

Is Google your friend? Sometimes.

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