How To Fix
PowerDVD 17 Error Message
CL RC Engine3 Dummy Winidow: PowerDVD.exe – No Disk
“There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive D:”
By Chongchen Saelee
UPDATE: April 27, 2018 – It seems all I had to do was click the “Reset to Defaults” button at the bottom of the AutoPlay window, which grays out all the options to “Choose a Default” and no more problem pop-ups now when I eject a Blu-ray from PowerDVD. Of course, this is only a Windows 7 problem.
Symptom: Occurs on some Blu-ray discs upon ejection. Sometimes might even freeze Windows or lock the BD-Rom Drive

PowerDVD 17 Error Message
CL RC Engine3 Dummy Winidow: PowerDVD.exe – No Disk
“There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive D:”
Solution: Apparently, for Windows 7 anyway, there was no option during installation to prevent PowerDVD from setting the Windows Autoplay hardware associations, despite providing a file format associations page. The Windows Autoplay associations deal with hardware rather than software and seems to be automatically set by Windows (you might notice the Autoplay pop-up whenever you put in a new disc of USB with media files on it). To prevent the error from happening, you must disable Windows Autoplay for any devices that were set to call PowerDVD, in this case for the Blu-rays (or any other media).
For Windows 7:
1. Go to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > AutoPlay
2. Under the Media pane, for every media option that lists “Play {media} using PowerDVD 17” change it to “Take no action”.
3. Click Save.
Now when you eject a Blu-ray disc through PowerDVD, it won’t give the error message.
If you’re still getting the error message, it might be due to something else. Good luck!
Tags: dummy winidow, error, fix, powerdvd 17, tutorial, windows 7