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10 Things I’ve Learned Turning 37 years old
By Chongchen Saelee
Gaw dayum. I’m turning 37 years old next month. Here are 10 things I’ve learned in my existence:
1. People are in their final Dragon Ball Z form by the time they are around 22 years old in modern days because that’s when they experience the most responsibilities and exposure to harsh reality. Be grateful you live longer these days. I could have peaked at 32 years old with a dead 12 year old wife and dying of consumption and rickets. So look forward to a nice long healthy life in modern times.
2. If you’re single, date people within your age range given 5 years younger or older. Otherwise you won’t be able to relate to them. It’s a waste of time changing yourself for anyone at this age. Besides, unless you are a virgin or relatively inexperienced in dating by my age, these will literally be the best years of sex in your life because you are in peak shape and have proficient sex experience. Partner count doesn’t mean anything if you didn’t learn anything.
3. At the same time, sex isn’t important anymore. When I was young, I was having a lot of sex for validation or clout. more »
The crappy cameraphone video doesn’t do it justice. But this just lays claim to witnessing something majestic in my backyard, something rare. Rainbows occur all the time, but sometimes not as even or pretty. I think I’ve only ever witness about 5 max rainbows in my lifetime. This one is the most pretty and even and an actual arch. All the other ones in my lifetime were bands or sheen only.
We got our first “official” look at the new Batmobile, which is reminiscent of Fast and Furious souped-up muscle cars. Batman don’t got bat-friends, he got bat-family.
Speculation is that these twins are playing Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. But my hunch is they are playing very small parts. Every horror occult movie needs to have their iconic twin terror scene, so if Bats is facing off with The Court of Owls cult, these twins will make an appearance or introduction to the cult in white skull makeup. Nothing big or fancy. It’s just a scene that calls for twins.
There’s also rumours that Johnny Depp is set to play the new Joker. In another universe, that might be 100% true. But if somehow that universe merged with our reality, it might be true too. But WB has to test that rumour with audiences first and not invest too much time on it. They probably might even have shot a small scene and shopped it around. If fans don’t like it, it might get cut. If fans do, it might become a reality. My problem is it’s too out of left field and might steal too much of Bat-tison’s spotlight.
Solution: Laptop audio/video is slow, crackling, out of sync
By Chongchen Saelee
If your laptop seemingly is slowing down in performance, you hear audio crackling, your video is sluggish and not synced with the audio, then make sure your laptop battery is in good condition. Odds are, your laptop is literally in its last breath of life, like literally only 10% health. Replace it with a brand new fully recharged laptop battery and see if this solves your problem! You’ll know your old battery is about to die if it is physically bloated. So time to throw it out and replace it. Hope that helps!
Troubleshooting: When Your PC Doesn’t Boot or Overheats After Cleaning
By Chongchen Saelee
If you’re lucky, you can go maybe a full year or two without cleaning your computer. But you have to be careful. You can’t just on a whim do a complete disassembly and cleaning. You need to have spare parts lying around just in case you break something or need things replaced like dried up thermal paste. So always make sure you have spare parts and supplies around before doing anything.
Anyway, I won’t get into how to clean your computer, but I will get into how to figure out why afterwards your computer won’t boot up or there is a BIOS warning that your CPU is overheating. Check for these:
Did you apply thermal paste on the CPU surface correctly? You should only apply a very small amount, some say the size of a pea, but I say the size of two grains of rice. Make sure that you are pushing down on the heatsink onto the CPU with balanced pressure so that no air pockets are in connected surfaces. Too much thermal paste could store heat, too little will not displace heat.
Did you make sure anything you disassembled, you re-assembled correctly? For example, if the cables aren’t plugged in completely, especially the motherboard or CPU’s power cable, then the CPU knows to throttle power or give a warning so that it doesn’t fry itself. If you ignore these symptoms, you’re looking for major malfunction.
If there is no video output, then make sure your graphics card is properly seated in its slot. Make sure the graphics card’s power cable is connected properly. If you replaced the GPU’s thermal pad or paste, make sure that it has complete contact between the heatsink and GPU chip.
The big no-nos when it comes to handling computer parts:
Don’t drop anything!
Don’t discharge any static or electricity on sensitive parts. Not only will you damage the hardware, if you end up electrocuting yourself, your hardware’s not gonna mourn for you.
For the most part, assuming you aren’t grossly incompetent or just plain don’t know what you are doing, then things should go smoothly. You’d have to really want to break your machine for it to not to work anymore. Most of the time when your computer doesn’t work even though previously it did, it’s because of simple human error.
Seems a little limp. Color grading is awesome. Music is appropriate. But nothing particularly epic about it. The only thing that really sticks out is Wondie swinging on lightning bolts, which is surprisingly imaginative.