Posts Tagged ‘ad’
Dec 27, 2014
Jackpot Bloom Featured on Local News WFRV CBS 5 in Green Bay!!!

Get your copies of Jackpot Bloom folks!!!

Sep 4, 2014
Doritos Crash The Superbowl Ad Contest Rules Says Can Steal Your Entry And Not Give Credit

By Chongchen Saelee

So Doritos brand tortilla chips runs this contest every year to draw in user-made ads that aim to play during The Super Bowl. BUT, you have to read their fine print. Check this little cheat in their official contest rules (link above, can be found via their official website, also link above):

By entering this Contest and uploading your Submission, you irrevocably grant to
Sponsor and their agents, to the extent permissible by law, the unconditional and
perpetual right to post, display, broadcast, publish, use, adapt, edit, translate, dub,
and/or modify such Submission in any way, in any and all media, throughout the world,
for any purpose, without limitation, and without notice or consideration to you.

You know what that means? It means that if you submit an incredibly awesome ad that you came up with all by yourself, starring yourself, then Doritos can steal your idea, or use some Hollywood hocus-pocus and erase you out of it, or do whatever, and not have to tell you anything about their con.

That’s some shady stuff.

Why not just say: make us a commercial for free? That million dollar prize is just to trick you to make us an awesome FREE commercial, of which we will profit off of.

ALWAYS read the fine print.

Jul 20, 2014
Eastfist YouTube Channel Ad Space For Sale!!!
Eastfist YouTube Channel Ad Spaces For Sale!

Eastfist YouTube Channel Ad Spaces For Sale!

Pick your spot, make me an offer, and let’s do business!!!

Jun 29, 2014
Green Bay’s First Kid Superhero: Jackpot Bloom

By Chongchen Saelee

Wouldn’t you know it, Green Bay’s got it’s FIRST KID SUPERHERO: JACKPOT BLOOM!

Who is Jackpot Bloom? Why do all the other kids hate him? Why do all the adults want to exploit him? What makes him so special?

What if I told you there was a special school that trained young children with special gifts? The children’s powers are harnessed by adults who seek personal gain, but also to make decisions about running the government, society, and the world. After several decades of research, and many failed attempts in finding a breakthrough gifted apparatus child, along comes Jackpot Bloom.

He is a chipper, bright-eyed young man. At age 9, he is a master tennis player. He lives with his adoptive parents at their elegant tennis club/mansion estate that caters to the wealthy.

Feb 11, 2014

Jan 28, 2014
Eastfist Google Direct Ad Sale for Entire Month of February

Hey, potential business partners! I’m having an Google Direct Ad sale for ONLY USD$65 for the entire month of February! That’s just USD$2.50 a day! You’d get the top ad square on my blog at where I post about all things Asian American, food, video games, computer programming, politics, movies, and all things Eastfist. It gets a decent amount of traffic from ALL OVER THE WORLD! If you’re looking for a new business partner that is professional and trustworthy, give me a chance!

Send me a message and we can get this ball rolling!

Jun 20, 2010
How to make big money with Google AdSense and WordPress

Yes, in theory, there are very successful bloggers out there. I am not one of them. What successful bloggers, and by successful I mean those making income, have is the time and the capital to start blogging in the first place. You can’t be Joe Sixpack and just sit down and start ranting about beer and pretzels and make shirtloads of money.

Either you work a part-time job, and on those sleepless days off you tickle (more…)

May 26, 2010
Internet Dating Sexy Asians Meet Online Good Time

Yahoo Singles just sent me an e-mail saying that they’re selling out to First off, Yahoo did not provide the best service for non-English named gents like myself. I know they’re trying to prevent spam, but do they no know that people out there don’t (more…)