Posts Tagged ‘batman’
Jun 25, 2018
Fanfic: Batman and Joker Catch a Train

Batman and Joker Catch a Train
A Fan-fiction By Chongchen Saelee

It’s near sunset in Gotham City and at Gotham Train Station, the miserable Gotham citizen rat passengers were scurrying on and off the grimy, rusted, piss-stench cars, just getting off of work or headed to work, going home, dropping off the molly, off to see a cheap hooker or two, the usual.

Gotham was never a quiet, peaceful city. The cold, dry, midnight blue air always seemed to be filled with gunfire, police car sirens, some pimp and his whores arguing about money, babies crying, and doors slamming in shadows where doors couldn’t possibly exist.

There was a commotion in one of the rear cars of the high-speed train, and as usual, Gotham City Police Department would respond late or not at all, even if someone was bleeding to death and the police dispatch center lit up with calls. As the sun finally turned dark purple and crept into the dark horizon of Gotham’s cityscape, the crowd was murmuring and surrounding a colorful scene in that rear car.

The music started, blasting from some crudely duct-taped smartphones attached to amplifiers, and the sound of kazoos and exploding party poppers filled the crowded car as the train screeched into motion. And from within the mass of Gotham passenger rats came a distinctive, falsetto, almost hawk squawking laughter, a purple suited, white face-painted clown, with green unkept hair, and a smile that seemed permanently fixed to his plasticky face. He was juggling, doing pratfalls, telling humorous raunchy jokes, and was so charming, even the dripping snot-nosed children with the dirt smeared faces were laughing their little faces off, tugging their tired disheveled mother’s coats for a quarter to give to the clown.

Sep 19, 2014
Church of Batman: Filmmaker Terry Gilliam Elaborates on the Future of Cults and Religions

OMG. Terry Gilliam is a smart man. Just like what CIA is doing with Batman, can you imagine what the Romans did with Jesus? Man… Too many sheeple.

Jul 23, 2014
Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice Batsuit Full Detail at Comic Con!!!

Ben Affleck as Batman

Via Ain’t It Cool News via Comic con SDCC 2014

Ben Affleck's Batsuit in upcoming Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice

More at

And here’s a full shot by Gulf News, not official, but speculation by their inhouse graphic artists:

Ben Affleck Batsuit full shot


Note, Ben Affleck’s actual costume will be grey and black, not blue and grey.

Jul 7, 2014
Batman V Superman Official Teaser Trailer Leak!!!

Jun 21, 2014
Eastfist on Yahoo! News

Where was this when I needed the views?

May 13, 2014
Official Batsuit and Batmobile Reveal for Superman Vs Batman

Why do I get the feeling it will be called “The Dark Knight Returns” now?

Apr 26, 2014
Subliminal Marketing Begins for “Batman vs Superman”

I’ve only been exposed to just a smidge of how America’s monster mass media machine works, but I think I have a pretty good idea how it works.

Warner Bros. is currently shooting scenes for upcoming film sequel to “Man of Steel” in Michigan.

So Michigan citizens can expect to slowly get conditioned for the film, now with a supposed affirmative action case being publicised called “Schuette vs. BAMN”. Apparently, it’s something about whitewashing and Asians being the left-out minorities in Michigan when it comes to affirmative action.

Either or, expect that case name “Schuette vs. BAMN” to be all over the media outlets for a while, Michigan. Subliminally, it’s prepping you for “Superman vs. Batman”.

So like I’ve state before, I’ll state it again, it’s a messed up world we live in. Don’t be surprised if Warner Bros. and the CIA shoot up another school or create some kind of terrorist act again prior to releasing the movie. It’s a classic case of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy and they’ve been doing it since the beginning of organized society. That’s pretty fucked up.

Apr 23, 2014
Batman Is Only Human Like Early John McClane
Batman as Every Man

Batman as Every Man

Batman should be more human, much like the first John McClane. He will progressively break down throughout the fight, which is very human, unlike a super alien who is invincible.

Apr 20, 2014
Batman Vs Superman Costumes To Be Revealed in May 2014

By Chongchen Saelee

I have it within good authority that the official timetable release date of the new “Batman vs Superman” costume designs will be released in May. If you’ve applied to be an extra through RealTalent Casting in Michigan, then you’ve probably received email updates from them looking for people to film from May 2014 to Dec 2014. And there’s only one major film project in Michigan right now and it’s the Batman vs Superman film.

So there you have it. Ben Affleck is filming his Bruce Wayne shots in Michigan as we speak. But the actual costumed fight scenes can be filmed last minute (or let’s get real, be all computer generated) so they can design the costumes for maximum “epicness”. I highly doubt there is a “final” suit like Zack Snyder has been throwing out there. It would have just been the same Christian Bale suit but with a yellow bat ensignia. Hollywood is cheap like that, no creativity. Kevin Smith and Zack Snyder are in the business of selling bullshit after all.

So I’m sure the official new designs for all three characters Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman will be in May 2014. Guaranteed.

Apr 4, 2014
New Batman Cowl Revealed!!!
Bat Cowl Revealed!!!

Bat Cowl Revealed!!!

To me, Batman will have a pure black cape (computer generated) because it’s just like a shadow. He emerges from the shadow/cape and can disappear back into it. And then the cape dissipates into thin air like black smoke. So if you see a black shadow coming at you shaped like a giant bat, it looks incredibly frightening. And then a black shadow man with horns emerges from it.