By Chongchen Saelee
Rendering 32×32 bitmapped image with 2D to real 3D to 2D projection tranformation to fit 320×240 (100%) HTML5 canvas with translation, scaling, and other composited images:
- Chrome v.31x = 62fps
- Firefox v.26 = 60fps
- IE v.9.0.8x = 45fps
BUT, when using browser’s built-in zoom to 200% (640×480):
- Chrome v.31x = 60fps
- Firefox v.26 = 15fps
- IE v.9.0.8x = 45fps
So obviously, Chrome is champ when it comes to utilizing your hardware acceleration techniques. Firefox, however, failed in the zoomability corner. What a shame.
Tags:benchmark, canvas, cross-browser, HTML5, result, speed, test
Posted in Technology | Comments Closed
Another step forward for SDXM, my 2D game engine being built with Qt and c++. There is now functioning, gimmicky image distortion, and so far the effects are: water, spiral, and pixelate (more coming). You can observe the background in this video. Possible usage is for underwater levels where the effect can be applied to the frame buffer, transitions between stages, or other fancy 2D gimmicks. (more…)
Tags:2d, 3d, benchmark, demo, deus ex, engine, features, game, gears, gimmick, image distortion, kit, machine, qt, saelee, sdxg, sdxm, software, tutorial, video
Posted in My Artistic Endeavors, Technology | Comments Closed