I think this graphic novel is going to be a huge hit with your kids. Please show your support if you can. Thanks.
I think this graphic novel is going to be a huge hit with your kids. Please show your support if you can. Thanks.
By Chongchen Saelee
I’m not just saying that because I get a lot of referrals to this website from, but also because I am a proud member of the social networking website for models, photographers, and the like. You can check out my photography portfolio at
No matter what your goals are using the website, it’s important that you don’t give up. As long as you aren’t a creeper or sexual predator, and you’re main goal should be creating somekind of art or modeling or doing something involving artmaking, and not just getting laid, then you could be successful. The first thing you want to do is get familiar with the actual network and socialize. It’s pointless to join the site if you’re not trying to find people to collaborate with. (more…)
If you’re in Green Bay, Wisconsin, what would you do for USD$100?!!!
I won’t gip you like those losers on YouTube, but it is still a video for YouTube. If you’re in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and you’d like a chance to win $100 cash, send me a link to an audition video about what you would do for $100. If the idea compels me enough, I’ll bring my camera and I’ll film you making a fool of yourself and I’ll pay you $100!!!* It’s that simple!!! What are you waiting for, send me your submissions today!
*You’d sign a release form and give me certain rights to your likeness and other technical stuff. But you still get paid $100!
By Chongchen Saelee
Howdy, loyal readers. If you’re reading this, you probably know that I utilize Google’s ad revenue referral partnership service AdSense on my websites. (Hopefully, you’re not disabling the ads so your homeboy here can generate at least some revenue to pay some maintenance fees and keep his web presence going.)
I haven’t reached the payout threshold yet, but I have noticed an increase in traffic. It’s not much, but it’s still money. Let me share with you my own observations of how to improve your revenue generation the proper way. (more…)
If you’ve ever dreamed of starting your own restaurant based on a famous franchise or brand, you need some serious start-up money. (more…)
It’s not as easy as you think. Making money is like waiting for some greater being to invent air before you can breath it. (more…)
Sigh. It’s so hard to start up a project from nothing. It’s one thing to make a personal website which caters mainly to stroke one’s own ego, it’s another to create a product to draw others in. And the hope is that the product is good enough that strangers become customers and keep coming back. If the small niche that I’ve discovered on the Internet is thriving enough, I hope I can tap into it to make some revenue. (more…)
Yes, in theory, there are very successful bloggers out there. I am not one of them. What successful bloggers, and by successful I mean those making income, have is the time and the capital to start blogging in the first place. You can’t be Joe Sixpack and just sit down and start ranting about beer and pretzels and make shirtloads of money.
Either you work a part-time job, and on those sleepless days off you tickle (more…)