Posts Tagged ‘cold noodles’
Jun 22, 2009
Mienh-style liang fen is fun!

After exhausting the search for any mention of Mienh-style liang fen (translated from Chinese means “cold noodles”), I decided the burden was up to me to document one of my favorite home-cooked dishes.

If you do a search for “liang fen” through Google (or Yahoo, sigh), you can find a variety of ways the originators prepare it. Make sure you use the image search for a better idea of the diversity. Apparently, the Chinese don’t eat the liang fen with a soup. It seems they prepare it with a sauce, a dollop of flavor. Methinks that Marco Polo missed this treat so much on his trip to “the Orient” that when he returned home, sa-pa-ghe-tee was born.

Anyway, here’s an idea of similar dish from Southeast Asia:

I’d provide the recipe, but I have no idea how to make it. Only how to eat it. Har.