By Chongchen Saelee
The cable FX TV show “Louie” is played by comedian Louis CK, in a pseudo-biographical series. He’s a middle-aged white man, divorced from a black wife, and raising his “white-looking” daughters on his own. Most of the gags involve his fallible nature and quirks on how he sees life. And most of it is quite surreal. (more…)
Tags:appeal, champion, comedian, george carlin, hero, louie, louis ck, reason, soul, white men
Posted in Pop Culture/Media | Comments Closed
The brilliant, affable, polite, and charming Dr. Jinseng Kwak returns! (more…)
Tags:advice, america, asian, black, comedian, comedy, dating, doctor, dr, humor, jinseng, kwak, men, penis, satire, sex, women, yellow nigger
Posted in My Artistic Endeavors, Pop Culture/Media | Comments Closed
Here we go again. I’ve been keeping an eye on them for years. Let’s see what the mass media expert thinks of them now. (more…)
Tags:american, asian, bart kwan, best, case study, channel, comedian, comedy, delagato, funny, humor, joe g, justkiddingfilms, kevin wu, kevjumba, nigahiga, opinion, ryan higa, satire, style, timothy delaghetto, youtube
Posted in Pop Culture/Media | 2 Comments »