Posts Tagged ‘compression’
Apr 15, 2021
Using Now Patent-Free MP3 Audio Format For Your Indie Games

Originally published on December 12, 2020

I’m super late posting this, as the news happened THREE YEARS AGO and the media didn’t spread the word. Anyway, as of 2017, the MP3 audio format is now patent-free. It doesn’t mean that you can now pirate all the commercial songs you want. What it actually means is now that the audio format is patent-free, you can implement an MP3 encoder/decoder into your game engine! That’s sweet! (more…)

Jun 26, 2011
More efficient Internet Image Format

JPEG is king. For now. But Google’s got their WebP image format. Microsoft’s got their JPEG-XR. BUT, as images get more high-rez, and users become less patient with downloading more content at high speeds (although higher bandwidth is becoming more household and hopefully more affordable), what needs to be done with the Internet “image” in order to make it a little more efficient? (more…)

Mar 17, 2011
PNGcrush and JPEGtran image compression tests

Lossless Image Compression with PNGcrush and JPEGtran, What Fun!

By Chongchen Saelee
Originally published Nov. 12, 2009

While working on my own website, I was doing research on increasing the speed of webpage downloads and naturally the topic of image optimization came into play. Like most graphic designers who have easy access to Photoshop, I’ve found it sufficient to use it’s "Save For Web" feature to optimize images for the Internet. However, after reading some claims by more reputable web designers (I assume they are) that two programs could greatly reduce the filesizes of images while retaining lossless quality, I had to see it for myself. Here are the results:
