Posts Tagged ‘engine’
Oct 30, 2013
Qt SDXM Particle Demo

Not optimized, but it is a basic particle effect.

Aug 7, 2013
SDXM Qt 2D Game Engine Image Distortion + 3000 sprites + Other Features Demo

Another step forward for SDXM, my 2D game engine being built with Qt and c++. There is now functioning, gimmicky image distortion, and so far the effects are: water, spiral, and pixelate (more coming). You can observe the background in this video. Possible usage is for underwater levels where the effect can be applied to the frame buffer, transitions between stages, or other fancy 2D gimmicks. (more…)

Sep 11, 2012
Qt 2D Game Engine: Getting Started

Let me explain the bare minimum concepts behind getting your first 2D game engine up and running in Nokia’s Qt envirnoment. (more…)

Aug 22, 2012
Qt 2D Game Engine Essentials

What I believe a game engine built on Qt/c++ needs in order for it to be accessible and successful. (more…)

Aug 10, 2011
Saelee Deus Ex Machine (SDXM): A 2D Game Engine Features List

I’m getting a steady 33 frames per second and have tested on Windows XP, Vista, and 7! If you have Vista or Windows 7, you’ll be good to go. If you have Windows XP or previous versions of Windows, you might have to get the .Net Framework to run my application. Anyway, here’s a list of features I’m planning on implementing. (more…)

Aug 7, 2011
Code Problem Solved: How to Implement z-order Rendering

If you’ve dealt with cascading style sheets (CSS) in web design, then you might be aware of z-index (also known as z-order). This special attribute tells the web browser to render elements in a certain order. But specifically in webpages, a z-index can range from 0 to 99, where 0 is the farthest back element (it is rendered first) and 99 is the front most element (it is rendered last). All is well when the software’s already working for you, but what about in game development? Here’s a way… (more…)

Oct 3, 2010
Scrolling Game Development Kit/BMDXCtls patch for Widescreen Monitors

Here we go:

Ancient in digital trend years, but still VERY functional in Windows XP and Vista. By adding a few more lines of code to the drawing engine, SGDK games will display correctly on widescreen monitors. (more…)