Shoulda mastered the full Auto-Focus Mode for my Nikon D3200 DSLR. Didn’t know I could get such good results. These were captured with a heavy ass telephoto lens, hand-held, and the stupid robins were moving all over the place! You gotta set those damn camera settings right and be ready to shoot. Shot from inside my dimly lit living room through the grimy glass backdoor. Impressive results!
(BTW, I realize the cooked little bird might be misconstrued as one of the robins, but it ain’t. It’s just a baked hen, I happen to be cooking and eating around the same time the critters come out to eat in my backyard today)
Tags:auto, d3200, dslr, focus, mode, nikon
Posted in My Artistic Endeavors | Comments Closed
Finally putting use to my knowledge of the camera. When taking self portraits, you need to use smaller aperture so you get a deep depth of field. The idea is that you will have a better chance of (more…)
Tags:aperture, arty, d3200, focus, nikon, portrait, saelee, selfie, september
Posted in My Artistic Endeavors | Comments Closed
If you can’t afford the newest version of Adobe Photoshop CS, then you won’t have access to robust picture manipulating tools such as fixing motion blur among many other possibly useful tools. But there is help. If you don’t mind using the free image app called GIMP, there is a third-party plugin that will allow you to fix motion blur with suitable results. That plugin is called “Refocus-It”. Check this out… (more…)
Tags:2.8, download, fix, focus, gimp, how to, motion blur, plugin, refocus-it, tutorial, windows
Posted in My Artistic Endeavors, Technology | 2 Comments »