Posts Tagged ‘gimp’
Aug 5, 2013
My Recommended Awesome Free Software 2013

For anyone who is a cheapo like myself, or just have an idea of what tools I specifically need, here is a list of FREE software that you might find useful. None of that hacky, amatuer stuff. (more…)

Apr 26, 2013
GIMP Refocus-It Iterative Refocus Fix Motion Blur Windows

If you can’t afford the newest version of Adobe Photoshop CS, then you won’t have access to robust picture manipulating tools such as fixing motion blur among many other possibly useful tools. But there is help. If you don’t mind using the free image app called GIMP, there is a third-party plugin that will allow you to fix motion blur with suitable results. That plugin is called “Refocus-It”. Check this out… (more…)

Feb 25, 2012
Pen Tonic Comics: Pulling Carrots

This ain’t no Doonesbury. (more…)