I know there are a lot of Nolan apologists out there, but his movies can be quite predictable. Interstellar, for one, might not even be about space travel. (more…)
Tags:christopher nolan, giant earthworm, inception, insider, interstellar, plot, preview, script, spoiler, warner bros
Posted in Pop Culture/Media | Comments Closed
I show you how we do. (more…)
Tags:abuse, assassin, brainwash, christopher, cia, citizens, conspiracy, control, dreams, ethics, film, government, inception, military, mind, morals, naked gun, nolan, oscar, power, reading, real, rights, sheep, spying, technology, usa, violation, weapon, weapons
Posted in Pop Culture/Media, Technology | Comments Closed
Chris Nolan is the new James Cameron. Not only has he challenged mainstream Hollywood with innovative storytelling, he also pays tribute to it. Here’s a select few favorite trailers of his films: (more…)
Tags:christopher, dark knight, films, inception, nolan, prestige
Posted in Pop Culture/Media | Comments Closed