Posts Tagged ‘lesson’
Aug 9, 2014
How To Be More American

Jul 23, 2014
US Vice President Joe Biden on How American Grew and Can Continue to Grow

By Chongchen Saelee

Usually, I don’t post about this shit because History is boring to me. BUT, because I was going to make a point, I need to post the reference materials.

In summary, Uncle Joe rambles about how America succeeded and became united because it built roads and networks which strengthened its infrastructure. This included the man-made canals used to transport goods downstream, the train and railroad system, then the Interstate highways systems. Things progress because we make it easier to pass goods between ourselves.

So, to my point, we better start investing in those Lego islands that Google/CIA were plotting to popularize then.

I had this idea I was going to put into my Agent S epic story, if I ever get to writing it down, where we built this HUGE artificial highway/key islands that stretch from the West Coast of the United States all the way to China. So for those who have a lot of time to spare, they can literally travel that road, the road less traveled versus airplane.

And of course, people can rent some of those Lego lots, and that’s where you can raise crops and other important resources. You can have vendors along THE GREAT ROAD and gasoline and shit. Because people will have to drive for however many months or years, I don’t know the exact time, but if that’s what it takes, that’s what it takes.

The only thing I foresee is that pirates and other terrorists might try to takeover some of those floating Lego island properties, but our civilization would have evolved enough to handle that. There would be Coast Guard or some new organization to deal with that.

So, yeah, if you order something from China, it comes to the USA by boat. And that takes like 2 months!!! Of course, if your parcel was by plane, it’ll be a little faster.

BUT, if there were goods on a floating Lego like island between China and the USA, guess what, your goods would take half the time to get to you. How’s that for logic?

Would you eat cattle raised on a floating Lego island? Leave your comments and questions.

Dec 4, 2013
Dr. Jinseng Kwak Explains Good Satire vs. Bad Comedy

Sep 11, 2012
Qt 2D Game Engine: Getting Started

Let me explain the bare minimum concepts behind getting your first 2D game engine up and running in Nokia’s Qt envirnoment. (more…)