Posts Tagged ‘logo’
Jul 23, 2014
Jackpot Bloom Logo Design Progression
May 21, 2014
Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is the Official Title Man of Steel sequel
Here’s your first look at the official title and logo of the sequel to “Man of Steel”. It will be titled “Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice”.
I get the feeling the title was crafted like that based on some keywords or SEO or something. It has to tie all their Batman and Superman movies together subliminally. And there’s that introduction of the word “Justice” to lead you into that last movie featuring the Justice League. Man, marketing is tough business.
Jul 15, 2013
Adobe After Effects 3D Text Rotate Around 3D Sphere Demo
There are no tutorial to be found on the Internet on how to create 3D Text that rotates around a 3D sphere like in the Universal Studios title card. You can apply basic 3D, but it doesn’t have any depth or extrusion. I figured out how to brute-force it, all without third-party plugins! Check it out! (more…)