Here’s the recent update I got from Michigan-based casting agency Real Style:
We are looking for extras that are Asian men, ages 25+, 5’8″ and taller for filming in the upcoming week.
They would need to be available for filing on July 28, 29, and July 30 for our current project. Extras are paid $8 an hour and overtime after 8 hours, guaranteed 8 hours, with a catered meal.
Must be a US citizen or legally able to work in the US.
Filming days can last up to 14 hours. report times can be very very early in the morning.
If you know someone who meets this description, please direct them to our website
Look for talent sign up on the top of the home page. There is no fee to be considered for our current project.
Once registered, email us at, subject: Asian Male
Feel free to share this with friends and family.
Please include name and cell in the body of the email.
Thank you in advance for any assistance.
So if you’re an aspiring or established Asian male actor, they looking for you. Whether or not it’s in Batman V Superman (codenamed Sage and Milo), that I don’t know.
Tags:acting, asian, audtion, casting, casting call, male, men, michigan, real style
Posted in My Artistic Endeavors, Pop Culture/Media | Comments Closed
Real Style Talent Agency
I got another e-mail update from Real Style today, saying they had a typo earlier about their military/law enforcement scenes. They had sent out earlier that the shoot was suppose to be June 24, but now it is June 27. They are still looking for extras to play these types: military, law enforcement, EMT, etc.
I figured, what the hell, and put my voucher in. They’ll show my updated pics to Zack Snyder and I just want to get an email saying I was booked to fuck with them. Even though, yes, I am technically available, I just don’t want to drive up there to Michigan. They are paying $8/hour for up to 12 hour shoots. That’s legit, but I don’t care enough to be in a stinking Batman v Superman film. Besides, I was initially excited about that original Transformers 4 casting but now we know what the final product looks like. So…
Anyway, Zack Snyder can consider me for the role of Robin. Just a cameo though. You have my agent’s number, don’t you? Schmooze.

Asian Actor Cast As Robin in ‘Batman V Superman’

Asian Actor Cast As Robin in ‘Batman V Superman’

Asian Actor Cast As Robin in ‘Batman V Superman’
And I updated my profile on their site, too, because I gained my weight back and grew out my facial hair and mop of hair. So maybe I can play a wicked hacker, druggie, or bum or Robin. Who knows?
Tags:acting, agency, casting, extras, hollywood, is it a scam, michigan, modeling, real style, talent, united states
Posted in Pop Culture/Media | Comments Closed
I’ve only been exposed to just a smidge of how America’s monster mass media machine works, but I think I have a pretty good idea how it works.
Warner Bros. is currently shooting scenes for upcoming film sequel to “Man of Steel” in Michigan.
So Michigan citizens can expect to slowly get conditioned for the film, now with a supposed affirmative action case being publicised called “Schuette vs. BAMN”. Apparently, it’s something about whitewashing and Asians being the left-out minorities in Michigan when it comes to affirmative action.
Either or, expect that case name “Schuette vs. BAMN” to be all over the media outlets for a while, Michigan. Subliminally, it’s prepping you for “Superman vs. Batman”.
So like I’ve state before, I’ll state it again, it’s a messed up world we live in. Don’t be surprised if Warner Bros. and the CIA shoot up another school or create some kind of terrorist act again prior to releasing the movie. It’s a classic case of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy and they’ve been doing it since the beginning of organized society. That’s pretty fucked up.
Tags:affirmative action, articles, asian, batman, marketing, media, michigan, schuette v bamn, subliminal, superman, versus, vs, whitewashing
Posted in Pop Culture/Media | Comments Closed
Wow! Here’s my chance again to be in a major motion picture. I live right next to Michigan in Wisconsin. And my schedule is kinda open. Anyway, they’re looking for clean cut military and law enforcement types. Must be a dystopian Gotham City montage or something. I imagine something like Stephen King’s “The Mist” with a bunch of armed dudes running through the streets of Gotham. Batman is black smokey mist lingering in the shadows.
Well, if this casting call is real, good luck to all you aspiring actors!!!
Tags:batman vs superman, casting call, extras, film, michigan, movie
Posted in My Artistic Endeavors, Pop Culture/Media | Comments Closed