Originally published on December 12, 2020
I’m super late posting this, as the news happened THREE YEARS AGO and the media didn’t spread the word. Anyway, as of 2017, the MP3 audio format is now patent-free. It doesn’t mean that you can now pirate all the commercial songs you want. What it actually means is now that the audio format is patent-free, you can implement an MP3 encoder/decoder into your game engine! That’s sweet! (more…)
Tags:audio, background, codec, compression, decompression, free, license, loop, mp3, music, patent-free, song, sound
Posted in My Artistic Endeavors, Technology, Video Game Development | Comments Closed

Aquaman 2018 Film Theme Soundtrack Lyrics (Warning Spoilers)
Copyright © Chonkey Zimmern and Henry Gossitt Werner
Deep in the blue beyond
An epic war rages on
Searching for the ultimate peacekeeper
To bridge the great divide
They call him
Aqua-Man (Aqua) (Aqua) (Aqua)
in yellow
and one mean badass
in green
He’s AQUA-MAN!!! (Aqua) (Aqua) (Aqua)
He’s the son of the ultimate underwater queen
and some schlub who drinks booze
and jerks off in a lighthouse at night
when it gets really cooooold
Tags:aquaman, epic, lyrics, music, reveal, song, soundtrack, spoiler, theme
Posted in Movie Reviews, Pop Culture/Media | Comments Closed
Tags:asian, cat, dance, epic, funny, gato, karaoke, music, sing, video
Posted in My Artistic Endeavors, Pop Culture/Media | Comments Closed