Posts Tagged ‘parody’
Jun 18, 2014
You Son of a Fu Manchu: A Short Story

You Son of a Fu Manchu
By Chongchen Saelee

My name is Jerry Wu. I am 17 years old. My mother is Hilary Johnson Stantham. My father is Thomas Lei Wu, but you probably know him best as Fu Manchu. I am the biracial son of America’s most controversial political power-couple. You see, I will recall for you, the time my mother and father both ran for office, the highest office, the President of the United States. (more…)

Sep 12, 2010
Fun with Resident Evil 2’s Leon Kennedy Modeled in Anim8or

I found a Resident Evil 2 texture of Leon Kennedy online and challenged myself to modeling a mesh for it. Took about 5 hours.

Leon Kennedy modeled in Anim8or

Leon Kennedy modeled in Anim8or
