Posts Tagged ‘phallic’
Apr 27, 2014
Food Flavors, Textures, Shapes Freudian Substitute For Genitals By Culture

By Chongchen Saelee

I know I can’t possibly be the only adult here to make the correlation. Why is it that very “adult foods” seem to have such close tastes to genitals? I’m not trying to be juvenile here (in this case, you’d have to be a sexually-active juvenile to be able to even relate to this). Because adults like to throw around “aphrodisiac” this and that, when in actually these foods don’t do shit for people’s libidos.

And I reiterate, unless you’ve engaged in oral sex, you won’t possibly be able to relate to this article. Unless you’ve eaten said “adult foods”, then you won’t be able to make the correlation either. Anyway, here’s my observations on those “adult foods”: (more…)