Seems a little limp. Color grading is awesome. Music is appropriate. But nothing particularly epic about it. The only thing that really sticks out is Wondie swinging on lightning bolts, which is surprisingly imaginative.
Posts Tagged ‘preview’
Sep 18, 2014
Final Fantasy XV trailer premieres at Tokyo Game Show
My god, Square Enix is churning them out. Non-stop Final Fantasy spin-offs, but now the main franchise reaches part 15! I have to say, it is quite the beautiful game. But man, has it lost it’s appeal, to me anyway. Driving around in a car fighting giant creatures from Shadow of the Colossus just feels like it’s borrowing from other huge games that made those gimmicks work. If the Final Fantasy games didn’t run out of original ideas yet and go the way of Resident Evil, then this may be a sign.
May 16, 2014
Interstellar Trailer 2 Full Trailer
No twists revealed in this trailer. No wormholes, cyborgs, or fancy timejump sequences.
Feb 9, 2014
Batman vs Superman Warner Bros Disgruntled Art Dept Leak
Awww yeaah!!! Leave your comments below for tidbits, sneak peeks, insight! Ask away!
Jun 7, 2013
Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar Plot + Spoilers
I know there are a lot of Nolan apologists out there, but his movies can be quite predictable. Interstellar, for one, might not even be about space travel. (more…)
Jul 23, 2012
The Dark Knight Rises Movie Review (In-Depth Analysis)
Was it the sequel we deserved and the one we need right now? (more…)
Jun 3, 2012
John Blake Is New Batman Dark Knight Rises
Holy. Rusted. Metal. Batman. Could it be? (more…)