Had to revert back to Qt 4.8.5 but it works nonetheless. The video is choppy because I’m screencapturing the video as it’s running, but on my quadcore it runs at steady 60 fps. On duo-core it runs a steady 20 to 40 fps, so it really depends on your hardware, or I just need to optimize it more. But check out pure 3D in Qt and c++, no third-party dependency on OpenGL or DirectX!
Posts Tagged ‘qt’
Aug 28, 2013
Eastfist’s Qt Tutorials For Windows Now Online
Check it out! For anyone slightly interested in creating your own apps with Qt and c++, I’ll show you. Check out my tutorials at http://qt.eastfist.com.
Aug 18, 2013
How to Optimize Usage of Hundreds of Thousands of Qt QRect Class
If you’re planning on using hundreds of thousands of rectangles in your Qt application, you might be surprised that it might not perform at optimal speeds. Here’s how I speed up my Qt applications… (more…)
Aug 7, 2013
SDXM Qt 2D Game Engine Image Distortion + 3000 sprites + Other Features Demo
Another step forward for SDXM, my 2D game engine being built with Qt and c++. There is now functioning, gimmicky image distortion, and so far the effects are: water, spiral, and pixelate (more coming). You can observe the background in this video. Possible usage is for underwater levels where the effect can be applied to the frame buffer, transitions between stages, or other fancy 2D gimmicks. (more…)
Apr 9, 2013
Qt Real 3D Rotation Transformation Mode 7 F-Zero + No OpenGL + No DirectX
Oh, it only took years of research and learning… but here it be, the fruits of my labor… (more…)
Sep 11, 2012
Qt 2D Game Engine: Getting Started
Let me explain the bare minimum concepts behind getting your first 2D game engine up and running in Nokia’s Qt envirnoment. (more…)
Aug 22, 2012
Qt 2D Game Engine Essentials
What I believe a game engine built on Qt/c++ needs in order for it to be accessible and successful. (more…)
Jan 19, 2012
Qt’s QTransform and Mode 7 (fake 3D) attempted implementation
If you can’t implement real 3D, then fake 2D 3D graphics might work. (more…)
Oct 9, 2011
Adventures in 2D computer game development: Qt’s not-so-user-friendly Phonon media playing class
Phononnnnn! Khannn! Khan! (more…)