Check out the entire run of Chu F. Hing’s The Green Turtle in Blazing Comics, hosted at Digital Comic Museum under public domain. Yup, that means you can start creating your own adventures with this character much like Dracula and Sherlock Holmes (in America anyways) without having to worry about infringing on copyrights.
Hey, that gives me an idea. I will indeed take it an run a mile with it. Cyborg Green Turtle, here it comes!
Tags:character, chu f. hing, property, public domain, rights, the green turtle
Posted in My Artistic Endeavors, Pop Culture/Media | Comments Closed
I show you how we do. (more…)
Tags:abuse, assassin, brainwash, christopher, cia, citizens, conspiracy, control, dreams, ethics, film, government, inception, military, mind, morals, naked gun, nolan, oscar, power, reading, real, rights, sheep, spying, technology, usa, violation, weapon, weapons
Posted in Pop Culture/Media, Technology | Comments Closed
I’m not a lawyer, but I’ll play one on YouTube just to fuck with you. (more…)
Tags:basic, content, copyright, creative commons, fair use, free, howto, illegal, license, misappropriation, paid, pay, permission, privilege, profit, public domain, right, rights, rip off, royalties, rules, safe, steal, stolen, third party, videos, youtube
Posted in My Artistic Endeavors, Pop Culture/Media | Comments Closed