Posts Tagged ‘style’
Sep 25, 2020
10 Things I’ve Learned Turning 37 Years Old

10 Things I’ve Learned Turning 37 years old
By Chongchen Saelee

Gaw dayum. I’m turning 37 years old next month. Here are 10 things I’ve learned in my existence:

1. People are in their final Dragon Ball Z form by the time they are around 22 years old in modern days because that’s when they experience the most responsibilities and exposure to harsh reality. Be grateful you live longer these days. I could have peaked at 32 years old with a dead 12 year old wife and dying of consumption and rickets. So look forward to a nice long healthy life in modern times.

2. If you’re single, date people within your age range given 5 years younger or older. Otherwise you won’t be able to relate to them. It’s a waste of time changing yourself for anyone at this age. Besides, unless you are a virgin or relatively inexperienced in dating by my age, these will literally be the best years of sex in your life because you are in peak shape and have proficient sex experience. Partner count doesn’t mean anything if you didn’t learn anything.

3. At the same time, sex isn’t important anymore. When I was young, I was having a lot of sex for validation or clout. (more…)

Dec 1, 2014
How To Draw Ethnic Faces

Jul 17, 2014
How to Peel and Slice a Mango Asian-Style

Mar 7, 2013
The Best Asian American Comedy YouTube Channels Revisited

Here we go again. I’ve been keeping an eye on them for years. Let’s see what the mass media expert thinks of them now. (more…)

Nov 15, 2012
How to do American style humor

I’ll explain how to do black and white American style humor. (more…)