It’s amazing how a $4 prop like a bow-tie can really sell the image.
Posts Tagged ‘suit’
Oct 10, 2014
My bow tie is in!
Sep 1, 2014
Dude Makes Homeade Exoskeleton Suit
The dude can lift up to 170 some pounds “easily” but as I watch him do it, I noticed that it would be physically impossible if he didn’t already have the legs to support the weight. It’s all physics. He mentions this at the end of the video that he wouldn’t be able to lift 300 pounds. That defeats the purpose of an exosuit. You shouldn’t require your own effort. The Japanese and DARPA already have one that look like a folded out toilet but that one looks too clunky and slow. Cool effort though. No real reason anyone should ever need one in day to day life.
Jul 18, 2014
Agent S live action test
I suppose, if I don’t do a mockup, I won’t see what it could possibly look like. Back when I first created the Agent S character, I was basing it on Trigun among other popular anime at the time, and they were all wearing leather. Now it’s all metallic armor, or like the live-action CG Iron Man. The goal is to come up with the newest gimmick that everyone, yes even Jim Lee can’t resist but to knock off.
Apr 20, 2014
Batman Vs Superman Costumes To Be Revealed in May 2014
By Chongchen Saelee
I have it within good authority that the official timetable release date of the new “Batman vs Superman” costume designs will be released in May. If you’ve applied to be an extra through RealTalent Casting in Michigan, then you’ve probably received email updates from them looking for people to film from May 2014 to Dec 2014. And there’s only one major film project in Michigan right now and it’s the Batman vs Superman film.
So there you have it. Ben Affleck is filming his Bruce Wayne shots in Michigan as we speak. But the actual costumed fight scenes can be filmed last minute (or let’s get real, be all computer generated) so they can design the costumes for maximum “epicness”. I highly doubt there is a “final” suit like Zack Snyder has been throwing out there. It would have just been the same Christian Bale suit but with a yellow bat ensignia. Hollywood is cheap like that, no creativity. Kevin Smith and Zack Snyder are in the business of selling bullshit after all.
So I’m sure the official new designs for all three characters Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman will be in May 2014. Guaranteed.
Mar 20, 2014
Official Batman Ben Affleck Cowl Concept Art!!!
Mar 17, 2014
Wonder Woman Gal Gadot Costume Leak!!!
Mar 8, 2013
Sexy Asian Man Robert DeNiro Jackie Chan Impersonation Amazing Acting
You just have to see it to believe it. It’s a wonder why he’s not walking the red carpet picking up his Oscar! (more…)