Patience, Richort Boker! (more…)
Posts Tagged ‘tasty’
May 6, 2012
McDonald’s Adds Cherry Berry Chiller To Menu
It’s not bad, but they couldn’t have added those smoothies? (more…)
Jun 22, 2009
Mienh-style liang fen is fun!
After exhausting the search for any mention of Mienh-style liang fen (translated from Chinese means “cold noodles”), I decided the burden was up to me to document one of my favorite home-cooked dishes.
If you do a search for “liang fen” through Google (or Yahoo, sigh), you can find a variety of ways the originators prepare it. Make sure you use the image search for a better idea of the diversity. Apparently, the Chinese don’t eat the liang fen with a soup. It seems they prepare it with a sauce, a dollop of flavor. Methinks that Marco Polo missed this treat so much on his trip to “the Orient” that when he returned home, sa-pa-ghe-tee was born.
Anyway, here’s an idea of similar dish from Southeast Asia:
I’d provide the recipe, but I have no idea how to make it. Only how to eat it. Har.