Posts Tagged ‘web 2.0’
Jun 17, 2011
Webpage design guidelines for 2011 ad infinitum

While tinkering with my Blogger blog’s template, and consulting with the experts online regarding the latest webpage design standards, I began to wonder myself how adaptable my designs were. At times, I’m looking at my handiwork stretched to fill these 16:9 or 16:10 monitors and am satisfied it takes advantage of all that space. However, then I remember back to my 4:3 CRT monitors and how I was able to design to best utilize its space. So whatever was designed for 4:3 in mind now looks constrained for 16:9 because of the extra space on the sides. So what is the right way to design? (more…)

Nov 7, 2010
Internet is new past time (addiction) replaces television

Before we mindless drones consumed hours on the Internet, we sat in front of the television set. Before the TV, there was radio. Before that, those who could afford it attended baseball games. Before that, etc.