The Fat Lady Has Sung for Google Chrome? How Opera browser beats the current beast

Posted on Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

If you use the Interwebs as much as I do, you know you want the best Internet browser. You don’t give a rat’s testicle how glitzy the graphical user interface is, or what additional plugins are available. You just want it fast and secure. Up until now, Google has spied and copied many features from their users and competitors and have created a very competent browser. However, it’s getting to be a real pain having to constantly wait for the shite to upgrade itself either before use or running in the background. Google’s Skynet methodology reminds me of the big M aka Micro$oft. But like most service/customer relationships, either party can choose to continue or move on. Is it time for me to choose another browser over Chrome?

Hey, I dumped Internet Explorer like there was no tomorrow once Microsoft’s lackeys proved they were using duct tape to fix their tires. You can’t run IE8 or later on Windows XP. Heck, you can’t even run IE9 on Vista or later (mainly due to HTML compliance and other wonky stuff). So I stopped using IE ever since.

When Google first released Chrome, there was noticeably a great improvement in performance over IE. However, once users started making it into a beast, Google seems to want to feed it’s pet (and possibly their own pockets) by claiming to make it as user-friendly as possible by doing all the upgrading for consumers. Of course that’ll work well when it doesn’t get in the way of user browsing the Internet.

So I’m giving Opera a try now. Hopefully I won’t have to deal with the constant upgrading downloads.

But the main reason for this entry was to point out what I’m already noticing about the ingenuity of Opera’s design. Check this out:

Opera Internet Browser Zoom Slider

Opera Internet Browser Zoom Slider

If you’re a Photoshop user, you’ll probably recognize this handy zoom slider feature. Windows has it too nowadays. Heck, maybe Adobe didn’t originally create it, but I still want to give credit to Opera for making the connection that a webpage is ultimately an image. And now with such high resolution displays, webpages will require all sorts of proportionate scaling or design trickery to display correctly.

I’ve used Opera before. The tabbed browsing has obviously caught on. Epic. Search bar incorporation. Noice.

Another thing I noticed was that Opera lists remaining elements to download after a certain amount of kilobytes is exceeded. That’s very object-oriented thinking simply because bandwidth will increase for the average consumer, and they won’t be thinking about technical bytes anymore. Bravo, Opera. I like that. (However, it might have always been there. Don’t remember.)

I haven’t thorougly used this latest version, but one must make one’s own life easier. Chrome is really snoopy, isn’t it? Here’s hoping Opera can make my life easier. Might follow up with a full review, might not. There are definitely pros and cons between the two powerhouses. For one, I love Chrome’s enabling of stretch for tight textboxes, among other things. But this entry was posted from Opera, nonetheless. LOL. Ain’t life a trip?

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