Unless you’re chiseled out of marble and have had your body sensuously mass-odged by Micolangy into something worthy of worship, you’re just another upright walking neanderthal like me. But I do think I look a lot like Enrique Iglesias. I caaan beeee yo heero, bey bey!
So. For those who don’t know what we brown-skinned hunks look like, here’s one of my bretheren representin’:
Sure. I look like that. Trust me.
Today’s subversive satire piece is going to be about the nature of narcissism. I don’t want to pick on Enrique too much. As a beautiful man myself, I understand what it’s like to deflect so much animosity and resentment. We can only butch ourselves up to a point until we realize we are just too beautiful.
So what is narcissism? The always reliable Wikipedia gives many definitions, but us commoners who are edumacated will be more familiar with the common definition of it being about vanity or self-centeredness. Someone who is a narcissist will care only about his or her own looks or needs or importance. A narcissist might have a big ego or delusions of granduer. A narcissist isn’t necessarily an ugly person thinking he’s pretty, sometimes it is indeed an attractive person who has been reinforced their whole life as attractive that that self-centeredness is all they know. So narcissists tend to be annoying people.
But on the positive side, narcissism would be labeled as “high self-esteem”. At least, that’s what we learned during grade school. You need to let the put-downs bounce off and hold yourself in high regard. “I’m a person.” Right. That won’t stop the haters. If anything, a person not taught the correct way of exercising “high self-esteem” would go through life like Dan Ibiki. It might be a good defense mechanism, but it doesn’t hold any weight. Maybe the best way to teach someone about “high self-esteem” is to tell them “be proud of your strengths and ignore OTHER people’s weaknesses.” See, because that way it’s not all focused on oneself, which might contribute more to a person’s self consciousness. A person picking on someone else might have some trippy shite going on in their own heads, so now it makes both parties aware that any kind of hate going around isn’t the cause of any sole person. And then reform comes from both parties after that understanding.
I think it is true that people don’t change much from their youth. The dominant players of the playground remain so later on in society, perception-wise, that is. Because any one person that vain since Napolean wouldn’t last long when the masses are starving, angry, and volatile. The common people like to believe they are civil. They like to save face. But ultimately, maybe somewhere in Hicksville, USA, there’s also Joe Average doing bicep flexes in front of the mirror sporting a beer belly calling people like Enrique fruitcake.
“Man, that’s a beautiful man.” And next thing Joe Average does is start imitating what he hates because he envies what the other guy’s got. Self-confidence.
And I picked this all up from studying Honky Tonk Badonkadonk’s marketing. Ain’t an edakashun rewardin’?
Life’s too short to feel ugly or hated on. If you can’t change the haters, simply find the lovers, or at the least the likers. That’ll get your through this mortal life smiling.
Tags: aggression, attitude, beauty, bully, confidence, coping, defensiveness, hate, learning, love, narcissism, prejudice, self esteem, teaching, tolerance, ugly, vanity, victim