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Apr 14, 2016 4:52AM

Only inexperienced men can’t take “no” for an answer. After you’ve played the game long enough, as a man, you’ll start dropping “uninterested” women like dimes, inconsequential. So the only reason is because the man is inexperienced, doesn’t want to get rejected. On the other hand, some women are going to take this argument to mean they’re all that and a bag of chips, which they aren’t. They keep rejecting men until they realize they’re so addicted to having power of rejection that they now don’t know how to let a man into their lives, turn lesbian, and blame men for all their problems. It’s probably not even an exaggeration. All good things in moderation, people.

Apr 11, 2016 7:00PM


Interesting. Half white, half Chinese lady laments about being a hybrid and victim of “yellow fever” and “Asian dragon lady fetishizm”. She probably will become a lesbian for it. Who knows?

Apr 2, 2016 6:09PM

It’s racist and it’s not necessarily an “act”. That’s Alan Alda being Alan Alda. Trust me. He didn’t like blacks in Charlotte, NC either.

Apr 2, 2016 12:21PM


Hmmm, I wonder why Karley has changed her stance on which guys are “hot”? She’s had stories chasing seductive scruffy square-jawed Frenchmen, power bankers, male models, etc. Now she’s championing nerds, losers, and quiet types. That biological clock winding down, eh? Better find a charming sweet family man soon, Karley!

Mar 29, 2016 10:03AM

Comedian George Lopez does his take on a Mexican Donald Trump. It’s ON POINT. Noice.

Mar 27, 2016 10:21AM


It may have been an oversight by Disney, but in real life, lionesses in a single pride mate with the head of the pride, the “Lion King”, so all the cubs are fathered by him. Male lions kill cubs that aren’t theirs. So that means Nala and Simbas are half-siblings. Although in real life, the male cubs would eventually go off on their own, they wouldn’t mate with their siblings. Funny how themes of sexuality that were so “well-researched” by Disney seemed to leave out this fact. They steal the imagery and bits and pieces of the “culture” and leave out anything so it’s more convenient story-telling.

Mulan is ripe with racist anti Asian imagery too, but hide it behind “girl power”. Oh, Disney, you so crazy. (eyeroll)

Mar 25, 2016 8:48AM

“KTown Cowboys” trailer

Following in the footsteps of “Better Luck Tomorrow”, here’s another movie featuring a predominantly Asian male cast in an American film.

But I’m half on-board with it because the cast is a bunch of mid to late 30-year-olds doing what is normally depicted as the norm for white 20 somethings. It shows that Asian men can’t catch a break as alpha males, even if they are successful in life. Asian men are delayed by a good 10 to 20 years before they are seen as alpha males in America and before they can have a dime-a-dozen “stoner party” type movie like this.

It’s like a college graduate going back to middle school to prove how successful he is. As a pro, it’s good that this kind of movie is finally being made. As a con, it’s all the implications about actual society that has to be relived.

When you see younger Asian YouTube stars like Ryan Higa, KevJumba, MyChonny in sexual contexts, it’s hard to suspend your disbelief that they are sexually active Asian males, because maybe the culture perpetuates and has conditioned us to think that Asian men are sexless. They look like men, but you can clearly see that they act like pre-pubescent boys, so any sexual connotation goes out the window.

But then you see the KTown Cowboys, who are clearly older men and more dignified in behavior, and you know they have sexual prowress. It’s very subtle propaganda. The only thing is the public had to wait until these Asian men looked like old men before they could be accepted as sexual and mature adult males.

Tragically, Justin Bieber and the KTown Cowboys are in the same category in America. That’s just FUCKED UP, isn’t it?

Mar 25, 2016 8:35AM

Jane Wants A Boyfriend trailer

Gee, I wonder if they get married and live happily ever after in the end? (sarcasm) Seriously, though, the girl has some serious issues. Her issues aren’t “mild” like in “She’s All That”. Maybe the dude will end up with a pair of scissors in his arm and they’ll just shrug it off and laugh at the end. Or the girl jumps off a bridge when he humps and dumps her. Oh, Janey! She so crazy! (cue laugh track)

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