Mar 24, 2016 4:04PM
“Sky” trailer - starring Diane Krueger and Norman Reedus
What is this depressing shit? Homegirl kills her husband and becomes a working girl doesn’t seem so romantic. And they cut right to her bludgeoning the old man to death. Usually you have to show more than one scene of the abuse or something, to establish a history of abuse. In this trailer, the old man just wants some sex that night, but she is repulsed by him and kills him. It doesn’t make any sense, like it’s out of the blue.
And then she becomes a prostitute and picks up some scary looking dudes like Norman Reedus.
Is this the misery of being a woman? I dunno, them French women sure think their life is this dramatic. They got a German playing a French woman, and a chinky-eyed redneck playing the lead white knight. It’s a topsy turvy world.
Mar 24, 2016 3:31PM
First press release photo of the Amazonian Warriors from upcoming “Wonder Woman” film starring Gal Gadot. Looks so bad. No wonder Hollywood was so hesitant to make it. There isn’t much you can do without making it look cheap or sleazy. This genre was parodied to death in 1970s and 80s in porn. Oh well. Girrrrrllll power?
Mar 21, 2016 4:09PM
Mmmm. Just a warning though: Olivia Wilde don’t look so good unless she got tons of make-up. Trust me. As for the bush and nipples, it’s possible this is another example of computer generated nudity because homegirl was already pregnant, so it’s probably all saggy and shit.
Mar 18, 2016 5:06AM
Damn, Louis CK shot this on Harding Univ. campus. Man, that’s some SERIOUS acting and drama. They were already rehearsing this scene way back then. He was already complaining about how he had to fund this stuff himself, had a little studio blocked off on campus. I recognize the set. But, man, this is a STRANGE show. Maybe it’ll be a good reference for actors.
Mar 17, 2016 12:53PM
“Father Figure” - By George Michael
I think it’s just me, but I find it HILARIOUS that this beautiful homosexual man taught a generation of straight men how to be straight. Mind you, this would have been BEFORE he came out as gay. Tell me culture isn’t weird.
Mar 17, 2016 3:52AM
Viewers who think Borat is making fun of foreigners don’t get it’s actually making fun of the subjects. In this case, American dating, through the exaggerated and stereotypically racist views of foreign dating, you see how strange even American dating is. You have to go to a damn dating school or counselor to learn how to get with American women! Imagine that!
Mar 17, 2016 3:36AM
Kitsch factor over 9000. For those that didn’t grow up in the 1990s, Lisa Frank brand art was plastered all over binders and folders and pencils, etc., during the start of school sales. I’m going to assume nowadays education has gotten so shitty, students don’t buy binders, folders, pencils, or other basic school supplies anymore, replaced by smartphones and laptops.
Anyway, it looks like Lisa Frank rolled out some tarot cards. The artwork is actually unisex, but was always preferred by girls. I always thought the art style was trippy cool. I think I had a few Lisa Franks folders myself in elementary school.
Mar 16, 2016 10:37AM
LOL. Noice. How come there’s no poking fun at weaves (or too easy)? Or is it that these particular black women are bragging they have natural hair?