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May 24, 2012 12:49AM

Cynthia Rothrock ain’t no fake Charlie’s Angel.  Man, back in the day, it meant something to really have a skill at fighting well for the camera.  Nowadays, some Hollywood Dynasty princess can just hire Yuen Woo-Ping and it’s considered bad-ass.

May 23, 2012 4:04PM


Kristen Stewart’s going to get naked in her next role in On The Road.  You know what that means? It means her career is over.  In Hollywood, whenever a young starlet can’t milk it clothed anymore, then she has to let the fun bags out.  The question is, will it prolong her career or outright end it?

Nicole Kidman is a good example of a successful actress who is associated with classy roles, but who also has an extensive full frontal nudity career.  Can somebody explain why? I’ll give you a hint: it has something to do with perception of her being a mature woman in control of her own sexuality vs. being the lusted-over virginal girl.

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May 22, 2012 10:05PM

Is the world going to be ready for Sarah Silverman’s “ordinary-bodied” full-frontal debut?

Sarah Silverman and Michelle Williams will both be doing full-frontal nudity in Sarah Polley’s “Take This Waltz”. If anyone can lessen her sex appeal and make it into something comedic or “ordinary”, it’s her.  Maybe Tina Fey will jump on board? Naah, Tina Fey crossed over into sexy… well, maybe just a little bit only.

May 22, 2012 5:54PM

Here’s another hottie from the UK, Kelly Brook.  Lucy Pinder and Kelly Brook could play twins.

May 22, 2012 3:08PM

Right off the Agent Provocaeur main page.  That’s some hot photography.  So the UK does it like this, soft and delicate, but Michael Bay’s team shoots Victoria’s Secret very slick, hard and cool.  Is it safe to say that one is more feminine than the other?

May 21, 2012 11:02PM

Mavis still got it. Sure, I’ll probably watch your movie.

May 21, 2012 8:31PM

If Naomie Harris does turn out to be the new MoneyPenny in the new James Bond film series, that’s a big deal… isn’t it?  MoneyPenny’s an iconic character in that lore.

May 20, 2012 1:09AM

Who are the IGN girls?

Jessica Chobot and Naomi Kyle

Physical-feature-wise, they’re very similar looking.  Except, one’s brunette, the other’s blonde.

So does using a hot babe sell more video games? That’s the question for today.

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