Posts Tagged ‘hacked’
Sep 1, 2014
How To Track Down Jennifer Lawrence Nude Pics Hacker

How To Track Down Jennifer Lawrence Nude Pics Hacker
By Chongchen Saelee

If you haven’t been informed, apparently a hacker has unleashed a collection of nude pics of female celebrities via 4Chan. The hacker seems to have obtained the pics from iCloud or some kind of cloud network that these female celebrities subscribed to. Most of the pics’ context involve them in sexting or post-coital states of undress. Some just look like selfies. They look authentic, and two of the compromised actresses (Jennifer Lawrence and Mary Elizabeth Winstead) have confirmed they are real. The Mary Elizabeth Winstead ones look tame and intimate (the context she claims she shot with her husband), so that one looks convincing. But the Jennifer Lawrence ones don’t make sense. Was she a prostitute? She looks exploited in some of those pics. If they were during sex, they sure are strange. If you’re an actress, you’d only pose like that for a man that was a real bad boy. Think Pamela Anderson via Tommy Lee.

So that leads me to the real point of this post. Who posted these pics? (more…)