Jun 28, 2017 12:12AM
Polyamory is the bullshit you do you when you’re on a powertrip or egotrip. After all that fucking, you realize you’re a lowly animal just fucking everything in your path and not actually getting anything meaningful out of it. Only the most wealthy power couples (cold to human life) or the most uneducated hillbillies (too comfortable not being responsible for their own behavior, using their id as excuse) engage in this shit. Cavemen evolve to understand you don’t engage in polyamory because it’s not practical in the long run. From a man’s point of view, you can fight for a single woman from other men for only so long and eventually you get tired and throw her to the wolves for deadmeat. Imagine how much energy it would take to fight to keep your stable of 20 whores. Think about it, players.
Jun 27, 2017 3:47AM
Trailer for remastered “Spider” directed by Vasili Mass, coming to Blu-ray by Mondo Macabro. Looks very interesting! Imagine if it had a bigger budget. The first release of special edition Blu-rays have been sold out, but I’m definitely keeping an eye on this one.
Jun 23, 2017 6:01PM
This woman claims to be 41-years-old and found the fountain of youth, but honestly, how many people look this Photoshopped and are bragging about it? She also looks like she is developmentally retarded, in the medical sense, in that she looks like a baby. Sometimes, aging gracefully is a good thing. If you also read the comments, it is possible she is 41-years-old, but if she’s hanging around 20-somethings or younger, says a lot about mental state as well.
Jun 13, 2017 10:43PM
And to think, some 3rd World Country poor kid animated these. LOL. Impressive.
May 30, 2017 8:58PM
It’s always the ugliest sluts that have the most opinionated biases in preferences of men.
May 24, 2017 7:19AM
Hopefully fans and viewers of Julia Tourianski’s rantings get the message but also realize the hypocrisy. Why isn’t Julia married herself? I think that’s the whole point behind her introspection of her own life. Will there be a future video of Julia much older WITH PROOF of marriage, a present devoted husband, and litter of children, a real home (not a hologram), etc?
May 21, 2017 6:41AM
LOL. It’s not the morbidness of trading real shrunken human heads like Pokemon cards, it’s that GASP it was supposed to be a male warrior’s head, not some innocent woman the tribe murdered to make a quick buck. Note how they talk about it as being “fake”. SMDH. Pun intended.