Apr 8, 2017 6:17PM
Compare the top photo of Nicki Minaj to the second one where she intentionally makes herself look like a cross-dresser. Here tits are fake. Her ass is fake. I mean if you’re born with natural beauty, why would you INTENTIONALLY go “ugly” and look like a caricature of a woman? I’m in the camp of men that thinks Nicki Minaj is HIDEOUS.
Apr 6, 2017 5:41PM
See, when it comes to politics, at least it isn’t about race. At least Uganda government understand their women are marrying Chinese men for economic gains. It could be said the same for why Uganda women would marry “white” men. They don’t just outright say Chinese men are the yellow plague or raping our women, etc. White America on the other hand would outright start demonizing non-white men to make sure all non-white men don’t have access to “their” women, even if it’s genuine love and not just for economic gain. Moral of the story: marry someone you love.
Apr 2, 2017 9:51PM
I don’t like the tone of this article. Maybe it’s a joke because it’s released on April Fools Day (is that a thing in UK?) Anyway, point is article using a tribal culture where seemingly females are dominant and attaching on stupid feminist agenda or “girl power” bullshit to it. And it features this dykey looking, very angry-looking Asian woman who claims to be “pure feminist”. Look at her:
She looks like stereotypical angry feminist cunt. And the tribe may be more matriarchal than patriarchal, but at least they value having children and some kind of family unit. This feminist says she don’t intend on having any kids or hints that she’s even straight. Apparently she went to this town to “look for a lover or multiple lovers”. It didn’t make any sense even though there are plenty of men where she is from and if she wanted to whore around she could. But I think she’s probably a dyke and escaped to this remote village so she could have lesbian sex with what she believes are “dominant women” so her Daddy don’t find out.
But point I’m trying to make is: don’t equate that feminist bullshit with a culture that actually values family and spin and turn it to fit your megalomaniac agenda. They don’t hate men. They are mothers, they have children. The men don’t hate the women. Feminists on the other hand just want power, unlimited power, they’ll kill all the men AND THE WOMEN and the children. That’s the difference. Even power-hungry men that feminists seem to rally against value their offspring.
I have this fear some ignorant cunt is going to read this and think they can pull this bullshit on a man, an Asian man, and can get away with it, keeping his kids from him.
Apr 1, 2017 7:41PM
Uh, yeah, no. Modern men are lucky they are born into a world where they aren’t obligated to wear makeup. You must be pretty stupid to think spending an extra hour or two grooming yourself is fun. I’m not saying women should be forced to wear makeup, but makeup serves a practical purpose of establishing gender norms. It makes women stand out so that men will fuck them. Because men who aren’t keen to this shit will only want to spend time with other men. Therefore, I imagine men who wear makeup want to attract other men, especially if it becomes a daily regimen like these fruitcakes propose. Another example of having the advantage but surrendering it to be politically correct. I don’t believe in gender fluidity. It’s just more drama, causing yourself more suffering. And I don’t want to get into my theories about transgenderism either, save that for another post.
Mar 28, 2017 9:22PM
Gillian Anderson during her run on Fox’s “The X-Files”. Golly!
There was a period in beginning when she had babyface look and then few seasons into X-Files she lost a little weight and started looking smoking hot. Every Wednesday or Thursday night at 9pm on Fox. Used to watch it as a teen throughout college. X-Files fans loved the sexual tension and chemistry between Scully and Mulder. Formula was so successful Fox recycled it into new show that followed it called Bones. But I’m sure even X-Files got that formula from shows before it like Moonlighting.
Mar 23, 2017 1:50PM
Talk about EXTREME. This woman is addicted to exercising to point she looks like a freak zombie. Turns out she doing this because she was repressing memories of sex abuse. Question is, if she’s working out non-stop 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, how does she make a living? She must be wealthy. Either way, no amount of money gonna fix your fucked up mind. That’s the moral of the story.
Mar 22, 2017 11:28AM
Embarrassing. This whore thinks she’s beautiful compared to whom? Beauty is quite subjective. Maybe among the inbred wealthy socialite crowd she’s the best looking of them, that’s not saying much, but clearly not a general so-hot-need-to-bang-at-drop-of-dime. Men aren’t fucking her because they think she’s “beautiful”, they’re fucking her because she’s wealth. Yes, men can be golddiggers too. Julia Stephenson, you just played yourself. Here’s an L, hold it.
As they say, looks fade. I doubt she’ll make same deluded excuses about her infidelity later on in her saggy life (which you can already see in the pic above). She may still have money, but she’ll keep bragging she can sleep around because of her looks rather than because of her money/status. That’s truly delusional.