Oct 11, 2016 7:24AM
Sex and roleplaying is only fun with a sane person. Believe me.
Hello, buddy! Welcome to Modelzilla. Where We Go To Learn About Pretty People Culture...
Oct 11, 2016 7:24AM
Sex and roleplaying is only fun with a sane person. Believe me.
Oct 9, 2016 5:26PM
The Problem Girl Narrative existed way before the 1990s. Femme Fatales were always damaged girls. The only difference was by 1980s on, femme fatales got championed or main spotlight instead of getting fucked and killed off by male hero, ie, James Bond. But that’s not to say every developing teen girl should be able to relate to Problem Girl Narrative. I think it’s as rare as male mass shooting teen.
But I like how article ended on optimistic note, that advent of the Internet now allows access to multitudes of perspectives from testimonials of girls with Problems (with a capital p) and advice to remedy them. You should be seeking help anyway, even without the Internet. Assuming you want help. Some women don’t want to change though.
Oct 8, 2016 2:54AM
These “Asian” women are just being over-dramatic. A little hair here and there isn’t a big deal. And all they seem to focus on were their eye brows. As for evolutionary purposes, I think in way beginning of mankind, every human ape was hairy. And depending on which sex was the dominant one in the past, either way, it seems women were the ones who groomed themselves in this manner, removing body hair, to stand out, whether to attract men who were turned off at looking at women that look like them, or like Cleopatra did it out of boredom and to stick out for the sake of sticking out.
Oct 3, 2016 4:32AM
In other words, if you love your significant other, try not to be a cheater. LOL
Sep 23, 2016 9:13AM
I am IMPRESSED. Hillary actually knows how to make fun of herself. Unfortunately, Galifianakis held back too much. No Bill or Monica Lewinsky jokes. Just too unfortunate Hillary still comes off as a cold, stuck-up robot.
Sep 23, 2016 1:46AM
Julia Tourianski making some good points about male mating strategies. Women want to marry up. Men just want to spread their DNA and be with a good mother who can help him raise his offspring.
Sep 22, 2016 2:34PM
<a href="https://scifigamingmom.tumblr.com/" style="text-decoration:underline;">scifigamingmom</a>: I'm confused about your post about Teyana Taylor. Are you angry because she's hot as hell? Or are you angry cause she's not fat? I mean that was a long ass paragraph to write just to hate on a woman's body. I really hope you're not carrying that negativity into the rest of your life. That's not healthy.Sep 21, 2016 5:21PM
LOL. In other words, women, don’t be a bitch. Men won’t hit on you forever, especially once your looks are GONE.