Nov 3, 2016 7:33PM
YouTube’s JennaMarbles teaches women how to defend themselves against Donald Trump pussy grabs! It’s a serious issue, but this makes light of it just right.
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Nov 3, 2016 7:33PM
YouTube’s JennaMarbles teaches women how to defend themselves against Donald Trump pussy grabs! It’s a serious issue, but this makes light of it just right.
Oct 29, 2016 1:13PM
Ah, the real backstory of cult legend “Bloody Mary”. It’s about Queen Mary’s battle with miscarriage or bloody period menstruation problems. May all very well be propaganda make her look like shit by her father King Henry’s propaganda machine, but point is Mary was so “unlady” and “unworthy” she couldn’t even bear children. So in cult legend “Bloody Mary” steals or kill children. But why is it through a mirror? And why do you say Bloody Mary certain amount of times?
Oct 20, 2016 7:49PM
LOL. Yes, sir. Gonna have to agree with Dr. Phil on this one.
“You have got to be dumber than a box of rocks to share naked pictures with a 17-year-old boy,” Dr. Phil McGraw said about halfway through the show.
The teacher was 23 years old at the time and claiming she was the victim “seduced” by overly-intelligent 17-year-old boy. LOLOLOL.
Just goes to show, some women are really fucked up. There is no such thing as a 17-year-old Don Juan, let alone in Iowa, of all places.
Oct 19, 2016 10:45PM
Homegirl Taryn Southern trying to spread awareness about brainwashing and cults. Irony is homegirl looks like typical cult follower. LOLOLOL. Seriously, though, Hassan hit all the points already, so if you don’t see the signs or ignore the signs, and you’re complaining about your life, and you don’t do anything about it, it’s your own fault you never escape cult or “mind control”.
Oct 18, 2016 2:30PM
Well, well, I’m surprised Buzzfeed didn’t promote more plastic surgery for Asians. General Zao in James Bond “Die Another Day” need to watch this. Going under the knife and coming out looking like a mannequin doesn’t make you look better than other people, only in mind’s of deluded and crazy.
Oct 17, 2016 11:46AM
Disney promises live-action Mulan will feature both Chinese lead actress and Chinese male love interest. But I also get the feeling everyone else will be white in yellow face. Take it to the bank. Hollywood does stupid offensive shit like that.
Oct 17, 2016 11:20AM
LOLOLOLOLOLOL! What happened to Lindsey Stirling? Her whole appeal was because she played video game theme covers on her violin. Then they got her dressing up in cosplay. Now it turns out they want her to cross-over into mainstream. I mean look at those outrageous costumes and sexually suggestive dance routines. She’s that much closer to fizzling out like Jewel, whose main sell was because she was “cute”. Then she got “skankified” and that was end of her career.
Oct 14, 2016 8:56AM
What hypocrisy. This so-called anti-alcohol or alcoholics-awareness campaign featuring beautiful model with fake name Louise Delage actually glorifies or glamorizes drinking. It’s one thing if posts slowly progressed to show side effects of alcohol abuse, it’s another to show model never getting fat or ugly or in car wreck, etc. This is why every wannabe model poses with wine glass or alcohol.