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Sep 19, 2016 7:05PM

I wonder how many white girls in Murica can dispense such practical yet humorous advice other than JennaMarbles. Some people don’t even come to these conclusions at age 30. But watch as you get older, the list gets smaller. Eventually, if you’ve lived a fulfilling life, the advice just drops down to very few: don’t fret over petty shit, have no regrets, work less, spend more time with family and loved ones. And that’s pretty much it. But when you’re young, you want to show people you’re still learning and that’s commendable.

Sep 10, 2016 3:51PM

Truth. “Crazy” black women become crazy because they feel helpless and hopeless. And that’s where the stereotype comes from. There weren’t black women like these to give a better light back in the day. And throughout history, that’s all it really takes is some positive individuals to keep their people from falling into despair.

Sep 10, 2016 12:59AM

Ouch! Say it ain’t so! “Not realistic depiction of blacks” is the key judgment. That’s fair. I knew it was a fill-in-numbers, amazing casting and marketing, but I was also skeptical it would be any good. SMDH. Oh well.

Sep 9, 2016 1:43PM

Regina Hall looks really graceful here. I always thought she was beautiful but she always in comedies and her character-type was always the dumb sweet bimbo. But I knew every time she was on screen it would be funny. But wow, she’s really got this wife role down. I hope they knock this one out of the park. “Black” films usually don’t succeed at these types of genres because usually something isn’t right, wrong casting, bad acting, comes off as a parody, etc. “When The Bough Breaks”, in my opinion, from what I’ve seen so far, has some dead-on casting and acting. Race aside, people watch movies and are looking for certain themes and cues across all cultures. If you hit every one of those just right, your movie may become a hit.

Sep 8, 2016 12:26PM


Oooh, keen observation. But author may have read too far into it. I’m sure filmmakers know whole movie is lame, making fun of these kinds of genres, but my own deductive reasoning is it’s based on James Dean, who died in a car crash. So whole movie is filmmakers’ exploiting whole teen heart throb phenomenon and fantasy world that comes with it. But I’d buy it whole movie was Sandy or Danny’s dream.

Sep 8, 2016 11:56AM

For shame! Women, don’t do this.

Sep 4, 2016 4:29PM


Wow. So black women are making a fuss because Kanye owes them? There is literally nothing stopping anyone from organizing and having their own fashion shows. I mean if you truly believed in your own beauty standards, there really is no one stopping you from promoting it yourself. You don’t need Kanye.

Sep 2, 2016 4:24AM

Why Orgy Culture Shows Lack of Purpose in Life

Some people brag about how participating in orgy can be empowering. But from my experience, having been or witnessed orgies myself, I see the chaos. When I was a reckless teen, just learning about sex, I participated in an orgy because I was desperate and a virgin. The girls were loose, so why not? But then having another clueless virgin teen boy “share” the girl after you started having sex with her just isn’t my cup of tea. Sure, at the time, I could look past it because it was my first experiences. But to me, that’s the only time I’d let that pass.

Which is why I choose monogamy. I choose to have a single committed sex partner, not necessarily because I’m selfish, but because of the practicality of the entire institution of monogamy. Of all the millions of years cavemen sex has evolved, there is a reason why we only pair off with one partner. It keeps the peace. Makes sure everyone gets a fair share at happiness and procreating without stepping on other’s toes. It’s not as brutal as old times where you literally have to fight off a rival to mate.

So you can argue, if it’s easier these days to find a mate, then why not indulge in multiple sex partners at once like in an orgy? Because it shows you have no self-restraint or perspective. Some people argue or boast about the number of partners they have at once, but they don’t want to reveal the real reason they participate in orgies is because they are afraid of being alone. It’s like a drug, taking in huge doses after long periods without it. I can’t imagine participating in orgies 7 days a week could keep you in a sane state. You’d be reduced down to a manic animal. Maybe start questioning why.

I stepped through this shitty apartment once where my girlfriend was staying, and she considered our relationship open (but I was flexible with it at the time). But I didn’t like how shitty their living conditions were. They literally were a bunch of homeless teens laying all over the floor on newspapers and dirt, like a bunch of wild animals. I didn’t understand how anyone could live like that. When you grow up in poverty, I’d think the last thing you want to do was continue living like that. My girlfriend thought that was normal. And whenever she’d engage in orgy, she wanted me to join her, but it never set well with me because I felt like there was no real intimacy and it reduced me down to an animal who was just going through the motions of sex.

I think after I lost my virginity, I realized how simple obtaining sex was. It’s not this great thing. It’s just another aspect of being human. Whereas my girlfriend had wonton sex with almost anyone, and we had lots of sex as teenagers, I began to understand why you want to be in exclusive sexual relationship because you want to develop intimacy. You want privacy. You want to avoid drama and conflict.

I bet most people who engage in orgies live very unstructured lifestyles, miserable, suffering lives. They are probably repressed and have to let it out that way. I mean that’s just chaos and drama. What you do with your body will affect your mind. Having multiple partners at once is like getting ganged up on. I’m sure most people don’t want to feel overpowered like that. Even a threesome may seem too crowded.

So I think orgies aren’t necessarily bad. But they do reveal participants’ current state of mind. It shows they have no control or perspective in life and probably enjoy chaos and drama too much.

Hell, sometimes sex isn’t even that important. And that’s my point. If you gotta engage in sex in a big dose like that, what does that say about your dependency on sex?

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