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Jun 12, 2016 8:56PM

These guidos hit the spot on many universal notes. LOL

Jun 8, 2016 8:21PM


No fucking shame. Amid all the controversy of casting White people as major roles in live-action “Ghost in the Shell” film adaptation, seems now Scarlett Johanssen, who is playing lead role of Motoko Kusanagi, has gotten the Cloud Atlas yellow-face treatment since the last press release photo. They changed up her brows and eyes. No fucking shame.

Jun 8, 2016 1:07AM

Y’know, one of these days I’m gonna have to visit a high-quality themed restaurant like these cats and just geek out. I’ve forgotten what it was like to be innocent and have kid-like dreams. I’ve never even attended Comic-Con. That’s life, huh?

Jun 1, 2016 12:07AM

What is this WEIRD SHIT? “Team America” made fun of the fact that it was puppets having sex, but “Anomalisa” tries to go full avant-garde with this shit. It’s PUPPETS!!! The animation/puppeteer work is amazing, but it still is unsettling for me because something’s still off about it. It’s that uncanny valley shit.

May 30, 2016 5:37PM

Shit, forced to marry after a month of dating? But I won’t disregard the “facts”.

May 25, 2016 8:03PM

Very insightful! It’s still strange to see MTV dishing out info-tainment, having nothing to do with music videos anymore. But I suppose this is for a good cause. OF COURSE, Asians get a bad rep in Murica because there is a racial agenda.

May 25, 2016 7:05PM

Well, shit! Is your mind blown yet? You got a black US President and a foreigner Asian female rapper. Tell me the dynamic hasn’t changed, or at least political-wise, something has changed.

May 23, 2016 11:13PM

Asians don’t raisin is not true for all Asian celebrities (look at Jackie Chan) but it’s a pretty flattering generalization. I’m sure Asian celebrities go under the knife too, but sometimes it just has to do with genetics and lifestyle practices.

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