May 1, 2016 12:26AM
What. The. Sludge. I know Korean beauty industry tries really hard to look like White Muricans, but the real kicker is the host Grace Neutral who has had really extreme modifications: blue ink injected into her eyes and a split-fork tongue. Her body is also covered by tattoos, but that’s forgiveable, I suppose. Question: at what point do you think your modifications make you look beautiful?
Apr 30, 2016 12:03AM
Say whaaaat? This is the first time I’ve ever seen a biopic of a US President made into a romantic comedy. When Barry Met Michelle. LOL.
Apr 29, 2016 7:37PM
WTF. Is it that bad to have gender roles?
Apr 29, 2016 11:46AM
Well, damn, I wonder why I never made the connection before: They are undercover so they have to dress like wealthy criminals. Duh!
(But I’m also sure had something to do with fashion industry sponsoring the show)
Apr 28, 2016 5:20PM
I don’t get the hype train. Beyonce’s latest album is called “Lemonade”, but her tracks don’t sound that appealing. Nowadays you can peddle subpar or crappy music, but as long as the visuals are “powerful”, it will sell. It’s no different than putting a pretty girl who can’t sing on album cover and dumb boys will buy it up thinking she’ll be their girlfriend. In Beyonce’s case, women are screaming “girl power”. Rihanna’s killing cheating men, and Beyone’s beating shit up with bats. So they’re not singing about themselves anymore. Now it’s rage against men and cheating men. If male gangsta rappers depicted violence against cheating women, what would happen? Double standard much?
Apr 27, 2016 4:48PM
Never heard of this, how can it have a movie, but it looks funny. I think only reason it wouldn’t appeal to audience is because protagonists are older and “ugly” women. But it’s not like that’s not accurate to what they would actually look like in the modeling industry.
Apr 25, 2016 4:31PM
LOL. It has happened to me. But it really depends on what is being said and from whom. If there’s mutual attraction, of course it’s not an insult.
Apr 24, 2016 11:30PM
Ouch. Seems only some Asian American women know how to combat this and Asian American men for the most part are CLUELESS or complacent. I have yet to see any Asian American men that are actually proud of their “Asian-ness”. They either go full black culture or full white culture. What about for those that grew up actually using chopsticks and eating rice? That’s nothing to be ashamed about. I eat rodents and sea creatures. C’mon.