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May 23, 2016 1:23PM

Moral of the story: don’t exploit your relationship for YouTube or any other kind of attention-seeking fame. YouTube’s BFvsGF had to learn the hard way, now seeing and confirming that Jesse and Jeana are indeed breaking up. Also, because apparently Jesse kept a dirty secret from Jeana that he had knocked up another girl more than 14 years ago. Oops, that just seemed to have skipped poor ol’ Jesse’s mind.

May 17, 2016 1:09AM

Noice. Homegirl Margot Robbie knows how to poke fun at herself with this parody of “American Psycho”. Just in time for her cray-cray performance as Harley Quinn in upcoming release of “Suicide Squad”. It’s not a coincidence, folks. Your first clue should have been when she elegantly sits down on the toilet. LOL

May 16, 2016 4:08PM

Well, damn. They made the Loving family story into a movie. The Loving family was one of the first interracial families to get public attention in Murica back when interracial coupling was looked down upon.

May 15, 2016 10:04PM

LOL. Noice. It’s not just a phenomenon here in Murica where “all Asian look alike”.

May 12, 2016 12:44PM

Hells yeah! If there is genuine CHEMISTRY, go for the kiss! Just remember, you have to feel it out, some girls are flirtatious by nature, some just stringing you along, etc. But if you are sexually interested in a girl and she’s digging you back, and it feels right, GO FOR IT! If it’s a mistake, then obviously you will learn. What you’re trying to gauge is how the intimacy is going to turn out IF you proceed with the relationship, because intimacy is IMPORTANT in a committed relationship. Odds are, if the kissing is good, the sex will be good, maybe even the love will be good.

May 9, 2016 3:51PM

Well shit, that’s a lot of work. You literally have to sew a rug out of woman’s hair… on her head!

May 7, 2016 6:33PM

Well daaaayum, girl! Ali Wong knocks it out the park! I don’t see Amy Schumer being on-stage displaying proudly her preggo tummy AND ALSO HAPPEN TO BE FUNNY. You go, girl!

May 3, 2016 6:01PM

A movie that flaunts “girl power” but written by entitled white guys. Noice? Maybe. Well, at least it might lead up to crossover with “Bad Dads”.

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