Jul 31, 2017 2:30AM
LOL. Joe Rogan fans are bunch of macho cavemen who can’t let petty shit go. Just read the comments. The guest is just giving some practical advice to not blow up about stupid shit with your girlfriend, but the comments are calling him a cuck and shit. SMDH. Put up with the bad behavior or drop her like a fly.
Jul 31, 2017 2:01AM
Yes. Barfaroni. Of course what sane guy would find that attractive? Holy shit.
Jul 30, 2017 11:26PM
For shame, mass media. Any educated person KNOWS Rihanna is pregnant. But Hollywood tends to cover shit up and put out “official” denials and other bogus crap so they can manipulate the story for their agenda. If you were a woman, the average woman, even the ones who are the biggest attention whores, you’d want some privacy when it comes to private matters like this. But, shrug, RiRi knew what she was getting into when she signed up to become a star. Hope she cherishes the baby and the baby-daddy respects her for carrying their offspring.
Jul 30, 2017 8:47PM
Buncha fucking hypocrites. 100,000+ views and got nerve to say the Dirty Dancing remake sucks. If it’s a guilty pleasure to watch it, don’t knock it. Watch it and enjoy it for what it is. Sheesh.
Jul 30, 2017 8:42PM
Wow, Blossom makes a good argument. Whoa, Joey!
Imagine if Mayim Bialik wasn’t so beautiful, no one would even watch this video. I would’ve posted about Amy Schumer exposing her titty in her movie “Snatched”, but it proves Mayim’s point about the quality of Schumer’s “comedy”. Were it any good, she wouldn’t have to pull her titty out. Even lame comedians like Rob Schneider don’t have to whip his dick out for all his lame movies.
Jul 26, 2017 4:35PM
Holy shit. Feel so sorry for this guy. Holy fucking Christ. Can’t fake this shit. She’s not retarded, she’s insane, batshit crazy.
Jul 26, 2017 2:08PM
The irony is Julia Tourianski comes off as wise (if it weren’t for how beautiful she is, no one would actually listen) but her kids are probably going to become fascists. History works in mysterious ways but sometimes becomes predictable.