Aug 12, 2017 6:02PM
What a tool. $10K spent on emails and no results. Heck, after that first $50, you’d know it was a scam already. Don’t be this desperate or ignorant.
Hello, buddy! Welcome to Modelzilla. Where We Go To Learn About Pretty People Culture...
Aug 12, 2017 6:02PM
What a tool. $10K spent on emails and no results. Heck, after that first $50, you’d know it was a scam already. Don’t be this desperate or ignorant.
Aug 9, 2017 11:59PM
Aw, c’mon, people. This woman doesn’t look “full” black to begin with, so why are they surprised if she has DNA that may be “changing” her to white. Her face doesn’t look like “typical” black person if you ignore the pigment, she don’t have big lips or flared nostrils. Michael Jackson, on the other hand, dude was bleaching his skin and transforming into Brooke Shields. (shudder)
Aug 8, 2017 8:45PM
OMG. Alexandra Breckenridge.
Aug 8, 2017 5:49AM
This is going to confuse a lot of kids. Notice how the black woman got a lighter skin baby, as though to imply it’s possible for two women to conceive without sperm, resulting in biracial child. This is just basic observation. I imagine young kids seeing this without knowing anything about sex yet, or having vague intro, and are now going to think it’s possible for two women to conceive children. Be careful with the propaganda, Disney.
Aug 3, 2017 5:29PM
Ooohhh. Fuck this shit. Common folk who might get depressed at their ho-hum lives are going to get renewed appreciation for being “normal” if they ever have misfortune of falling into this crazy shit. Religious nuts.
Aug 3, 2017 2:59AM
Aw, c’mon, I can do this guy’s job.
Aug 3, 2017 1:43AM
I was trying to look up what the significance of this meme was, but I guess they never explained it. I know nothing, just like Jon Snow.
Here is spooky allusion to it, which apparently got Jon Snow’s lip quivering. Context needed. Is this the kind of drama that makes Game of Thrones so enticing to watch?
Aug 3, 2017 1:16AM
LOL. Bruh Matthew Hussey knows how to poke fun of himself with that opening. I don’t think most people realize these “dating gurus” really don’t have time to actually date because they’re busy running a business and otherwise being celebrities. If they do date, it’s going to be short or one-night stands or flings or whatever. A lot of the advice they are dispensing coming from a team of writers who observe or actually experience what they preach. But this video is spot-on.