Sep 19, 2017 11:46PM
Wow! That blind white girl is beautiful! But it’s ironic and kinda sad to watch her act all shallow and shit. But you can tell she probably does hang out with only “beautiful” people because of the way she dresses and is groomed. Obviously by the way she talks and her ideology. I don’t think she’d actually know what physical beauty is though, the prized possession that us vision-equipped humans desire in sex partners.
Sep 14, 2017 12:50PM
What is this derivative cliche shit sandwich? Red Sparrow thinks it’s classy and sexy.
At least Atomic Blonde isn’t pretentious. It has actual action in there to appeal to male audience. The sex isn’t the main selling point.
Then there was supermodel-turned-super spy in Femme Fatale, which was very sexy (because it was Rebecca Romijn, but in general, was it a good movie?
Then there’s La Femme Nikita, which is trying so hard to be like James Bond, but it’s just gotta have shitty “girl relationship problems” angle.
In summary, spy movies featuring female protagonists suck because the male filmmakers don’t care too much. It makes Atomic Blonde look more like what a typical “spy movie” should be. If you removed the sexual elements from Atomic Blonde, you’d get a straight-up bad-ass female spy movie. Of course, no one wants to watch Charlize Theron unless she’s being sexy.
Shrug. If the women actually cared “strong female heroes”, they wouldn’t try so hard to emulate male heroes. They’d just churn out whatever they could and whatever sticks is purest form of expression. These movies suck because they have no soul.
Sep 11, 2017 12:28PM
What. The. Fuck? WoahVicky is a loon, but obviously her company isn’t that respectable either. They’re nothing but a bunch of caricatures. Caricatures of caricatures. In life, you want to avoid people like this.
Sep 9, 2017 4:35PM
Horrible. The Greatest American Hero reboot won’t feature a scrawny white man, now it will be an Indian-American woman. So totally out of left field. How many Indian-American actresses out there have incredible watchability that she can do this “lame” gimmick every episode? Even YouTuber’s Lilly Singh (is she Indian?) isn’t appealing enough to pull it off. But I suppose whoever writes the checks get to choose their cast. SMDH.
Sep 5, 2017 7:47PM
Kylie Minogue as “Cammy” for Street Fighter The Movie and it’s video game tie-in.
Aug 29, 2017 4:21AM
Somebody’s bragging. Compared to the “average” woman in Murica, Chessie King is still in incredible shape, so making these posts isn’t adding much to body shaming or helping women with low self-esteem. The message should always be: be happy with yourself, and if not, get healthy and get in shape. Those are your only two options in life.
Aug 25, 2017 3:29AM
Anne Hathaway playing Barbie is pretty perfect casting. The only problem is will come off as another “Legally Blonde” or “Clueless”. So unless there is an interesting new angle, can’t see it other than another parody or SNL skit.