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Oct 5, 2017 9:10PM


This 20-year-old Noa Jasma is apparently trying to pull somekind of shame trip for her catcallers by taking selfies with them. There’s a point it’s about “exposing” them and another where she’s just bragging she can get so many cat-calls because she’s pretty. Were she an ugly girl with the same number of catcalls, then the argument could be made that men are pigs, but it’s pretty clear only “pretty girls” have a problem with so much flattery… or is it bragging?

Oct 4, 2017 8:43PM

I don’t know if this show “8 out of 10″ has staying power, but it seems that their main showcase is Rachel Riley the mathematician, who is awfully cute. Would people actually check in every episode just to see her crunch numbers? It’d get old pretty fast.

Oct 4, 2017 9:13AM

Who dat?  ❤

Oct 2, 2017 5:56AM

My god, Jenna Haze is so beautiful.

Sep 27, 2017 6:53PM


Marrying yourself IS MADNESS. Of course, as the article states, marrying oneself has no legal weight, so this woman is just doing it for attention. It might as well have been another birthday party or “special” party. But at least she’s not actually insane and only did so after a 12-year-relationship failed. Seems spiteful though, as though she wanted her ex to see her in an article doing this madness. Most normal women after a break-up just deal with it or move along. At least she didn’t marry a tree or rock.

Sep 26, 2017 12:09PM

Don’t romanticized being a teenage runaway or homeless too much. Most teens hopefully don’t have fucked up families or backgrounds, so this video can only reinforce sticking to the “straight” path and avoiding drama in life as a teen. Don’t try to emancipate yourself or runaway or think being homeless is the same thing as being independent and responsible. And if you’re doing “survival sex” and could have avoided it from the beginning, and you weren’t abducted and forced into it, maybe you have no one to blame but yourself. Stay out of trouble.

Sep 20, 2017 10:56AM


Good luck if it ever comes to fruition. James Cameron and his crew just want to bang a bunch of dumb 18-year-old girls on the casting couch. But note how convenient the release of this “news” comes out as a leg up to help promote the new Tomb Raider remake trailer. It’s lame and not original and they can’t catch lightning in a bottle twice, they’re only sucking that teat dry until it’s wrinkled and saggy. Appropriate metaphor.

Sep 20, 2017 1:57AM

Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft in Tomb Raider remake. Looks mediocre. What a shame.

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