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Aug 2, 2017 8:06PM

So of all Hayley Quinn’s videos on her YouTube channel, it’s “Blondes vs. Brunettes” that gets whopping 5.8 million views. Sheesh. And quick browse of the comments, seems it’s because women finally engage this video with comments instead of usual measly sprinkle of creepy men. But the real reason is because viewers (mostly men) wanted to see Hayley as a blonde. I think the stereotypes have been debunked with this video. Not all blondes are automatically lusted over.

Aug 2, 2017 6:10PM

Gonna be a lot of butthurt “alpha” bruhs. LOL

Aug 2, 2017 4:05PM

LOL. Everything about this presentation amuses me. Plotting and scheming seems to work wonders for the “dating coach/experts”. Sure, you make a few bucks extracting money from clueless suckers, able to live off it for a bit, but then you’re back on the streets using it as a cover for prostitution again. The way dating coach/advice industry works is a bunch of them get together and conspire to steal idiot’s money. If these coaches really wanted the real deal relationships, they would be in them already. But they’d have to give up all the attention whoring and celebrity. Give up something to gain something, not necessarily give up everything and gain nothing. It’s called compromise.

Aug 2, 2017 1:29AM

Here’s dating advice “expert” Hayley Quinn, who is absolutely beautiful by the way, but every lonesome Joe out there should be suspicious why these experts are all single. Hayley looks like she has some pain in her eyes, maybe have been an ugly duckling once but some magical guy validated her and she transformed into a beautiful swan but he didn’t stick around. Maybe he was a player and fucked too many popular girls and Hayley adopted this look to find the next magical nice guy. But point of my post is this is my observation of her body language and this the topic she’s ranting about. Like she’s talking about the guy she wants to reconnect with. Maybe she needs to find that guy and interview him, might be interesting fella, the sex might have been awesome or he was genuinely good guy, or maybe just another player, who knows? Hope you guys out there aren’t guys who mess up girls like this. It would be a shame.

Jul 31, 2017 11:06PM

I’m willing to grit my teeth through “Two Broke Girls” just to see bae. That’s how pathetic I am. LOL

Jul 31, 2017 2:09PM


So according to this, if you want to get laid in Murica, white people need you (as a minority non-white) to smile as a sign of submissiveness. Or is it because whites are intellectually enfantile? Think about it. Baby-minded folk who react like spoiled brats when trying “foreign” foods for the first time but won’t hesitate to stick a penis of any man of any color in their mouths. The foreigner’s food is apparently more disgusting than any man’s penis. SMDH

Jul 31, 2017 3:01AM

LOL. DAMN that’s fucked up. LOLOL

Jul 31, 2017 2:44AM

Hope this fool isn’t correct. Sure is pessimistic. No one wants to marry or be with the “wrong” person. You want to be with someone you are compatible with.

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