Dec 14, 2017 2:04PM
LOLOLOL. What’s up with their UGLY ASS faces? All warped and Photoshopped to Hell. LOLOLOL. Usually, the marketing team has this shit pre-planned so that they take a shot of each actor with all the same poses and angles. You can’t re-create their faces like that.
Oct 12, 2017 8:15AM
This creeps me the fuck out. It’s not something they came up with for some sci-fi movie. It’s a concept design by bunch of university students, which shows how detached these young people are with reality. They may think they’re advancing science by “helping” it, but unaware of unintended consequences of the world they might build for themselves. A woman carrying a child is part of the human experience and not something that should be taken lightly. This isn’t some feminist equality bullshit. This is Nazi-level thinking. I just imagine cold hipster parents leaving these with rotting fetuses in there, maybe even an incubator farm with bunch of dead babies, abandoned because some greedy evil people lost money or abandoned them because not enough rich hipsters were buying them. That sounds morbid, but I’m sure already exists with live babies today, orphanages, alleyways, plucked from the street. I would never support this bullshit.
Oct 12, 2017 7:16AM
YouTube suggested this for me…
Taking advice from Blossom is like taking advice from DJ Tanner. They’re only playing a part or what they think normal women want to hear. The real life actresses live inside small bubble or sandbox and very far from reality. In most cases, this “outing” of Harvey Weinstein isn’t even news to them because it would seem normal. But it seems unfair Blossom’s argument is that it happened because of “patriarchy”. No, any power-hungry fuckface would get there eventually. Powerful women in Hollywood do the same thing to young dumb boys who aspire to be actors, etc: grab dicks, rip off shirt, touch abs and biceps, grab ass, force blowjobs, force cunnilingus, etc… But I think powerful women learned that from the powerful men they fucked all the way up the ladder. So it’s a bit ironic.
Oct 9, 2017 12:29PM
I dunno, Hollywood, the hypocrisy is strong. Meryl Streep does the same shit to young dumb boys too. They just don’t step forward.
Oct 5, 2017 9:28PM
Tove Lo enjoys having felt in her mouth. LOLOLOL