Feb 12, 2018 4:55PM
LOL. The stereotype about black people having hard hair to groom is a myth. This girl got a head of healthy natural hair. Meanwhile other black women don’t. You can’t treat hair you don’t have is the point. It doesn’t mean these gay Chinese dudes know some secret or something.
Feb 10, 2018 7:27PM
Bwhahaha! “I don’t live in Fantasyland!” (starts crying like unstable nutjob) Dr. Phil wouldn’t have invited her onto his sensationalist show if she wasn’t clinically insane. Naw sayin?
Feb 10, 2018 7:20PM
Bwhahaha! Dr. Phil doesn’t want to become Jerry Springer, even though the guests are almost the same calibre. He wants guests he can control. This moron clearly is a drama queen and the second she accused the audience of making a spectacle of her (which is delusional, she’s creating the spectacle of herself), then Dr. Phil won’t have it. He wants to make her look like a crazy, not let her “control” and manipulate them into giving her the attention. But, alas, Dr. Phil can’t fight another master diva who might upstage him. LOL
Feb 10, 2018 3:43PM
I’d say this is true for any business whether started by a man or woman. A man creates a modeling agency so he can bang all the hot women that come through. A woman starts an afterschool program for troubled boys so she can bang them because they won’t rat to their guardians because they have emotional issues. I’d say ALL these businesses are like that. I’d say 95% of major modeling agencies are like that. The other 5% that don’t probably aren’t successful and eventually fail, because frankly how these things work is by popularity and all the dirty shady dealings and partnerships. If those models aren’t being peddled out to Middle Eastern oil czars as “high end escorts” code for prostitutes or drug kingpins or whatever, then it’s not realistic they can bring in so much money and continue working as “models”. A woman has equal chance of getting raped working at a factory, but she has 99% chance of getting raped or falling into sexual exploitation if she pursues a modeling career. Take my word for it. It is the nature of it.
Feb 8, 2018 10:44PM
Jesus. That’s tough. Don’t know how that tattoo makes her accept or forget though. But it’s good she went to the doctor before it claimed her life.
Jan 28, 2018 11:17AM
LOL. Heidi Gardner does a spot-on impression of every modern American teen girl. Strange where they learn it from though because they all act the same.
Jan 12, 2018 11:14PM
No amount of excuses is going to change the negative stigma of being a stripper. Being a stripper is still the lowliest of jobs, right above being a prostitute. If you can’t get out of being a stripper by the time you’re 30, and this woman said she’s 26!, then odds are you will be doing this for the next 20+ years! That’s tragic. And then her kids are going to do the same shit. They never really get out of it. If it’s only about the money, you can work at the grocery store or as a secretary or something else where you can keep your dignity intact. You won’t be bragging when you’re 46 and still a stripper and your kids are about to go to college or whatever. Some women just aren’t smart enough to think that far ahead in life… thus, that’s why they are strippers (or prostitutes). If you gotta do it, it should only be temporary and you need an escape plan.
Dec 21, 2017 5:09PM
She’s got an AMAZING body. But notice the myth about exercising and “flat abs”. This woman’s abs aren’t exactly “flat” because she’s got REAL ABS, and that’s muscle. When she turns to the side, you’ll actually see how muscular her abs are, so it’s not going to be “flat”. Applies to men too. Women who work out thinking they’ll get smaller is a MYTH.