Oct 3, 2012 10:26AM
See, ladies and germs, this is why I don’t watch any of the Twilight movies. Poster for Breaking Dawn (part 2) is trying too hard to be X-Men or something epic.
Hello, buddy! Welcome to Modelzilla. Where We Go To Learn About Pretty People Culture...
Oct 3, 2012 10:26AM
See, ladies and germs, this is why I don’t watch any of the Twilight movies. Poster for Breaking Dawn (part 2) is trying too hard to be X-Men or something epic.
Oct 3, 2012 10:07AM
I kinda deduced this on my own.
Sep 29, 2012 12:40AM
This will be one controversial post, but I’m going to spill the beans on how to spot a flakey model. “Flake” is a term coined by “the industry” to mean any model that doesn’t follow through with shoots. It can be for any number of reasons, ie, the model isn’t real, model is irresponsible, immature, etc.
How to spot a flake model (where the photographer can be the victim or damsel in distress)[[MORE]]
1. Make first contact, then engage and observe. This is important because you want to correspond and eventually work with a live person (isn’t that the goal?) Sometimes, any one model can actually be represented by a shady network of cohorts or scammers. This is why you need to use extra intuition to detect this. When you make first contact with a prospective model, and she isn’t agency-represented, it is logical that it would be direct contact and that she is the one corresponding.
Some indicators that she may not be who she claims to be is in the way she “talks”. For example, be most weary of younger models, those that are 18 or 19. This is a known technique in the adult industry where there is a constant mention of the model’s age. The model’s agent (or pimp) will mention this upfront. It’s kinda like if you’re an undercover cop, the first thing you say is that you’re not.
And if you’re aware of modern stereotypes, pay attention to how the correspondence goes. If this teenage model talks like an airhead, odds are she’s not a genuine model. If she doesn’t have the business etiquette or sense to have proper correspondence, then she’s definitely not professional. This is actually a good point, I’ll note later.
Pay attention to forum-speak and other venues where these people interact. You got a lot of fraudulent members in the community posing as multiple personalities, either out of immaturity or cunning scam. Once in a while, they will slip, and they will “talk” as themselves as their sock puppet model. Or they will use a similar catch phrase, or mention something familiar. There might be photographers posing as their models, or vice versa. There might be the “poppa bear” old man photographer that pimps out his little stable of daddy-issued teen-looking models. Be weary of the criminal boyfriend that will rob you. Be weary of the network of hardened feminist strippers. Not to sound paranoid, but just know that it exists and pay attention. The likelihood of trouble isn’t high if you do your due diligence.
Also, look for membership signup dates. Flaky models sign up very recently, then disappear into thin air. Sometimes it’s a bot, sometimes it’s a troll. You just have to keep it in the back of your mind.
2. References - You can either take every reference’s word about the model as fact, or at face value, or be more vigilant and assume that if this model’s circle of friends are grifters or confidence tricksters. References should not have any kind of bias. Logically, any of the model’s references that has worked with her more than once should be a little fishy. And there will always be hearsay. If you really need to survey the model’s references, make sure you’re asking a diverse selection and then make an educated evaluation.
3. Proper grammar and spelling. It’s just good business sense and practice. It’s just tied into practicality. If she can’t read, she can’t add, then she can’t take orders, what else might she have trouble with… drama? Granted, she doesn’t need to be an English scholar, but effort matters. Manners is also a plus.
4. Personal biases. Let’s be real. If a model is a racist and only wants to shoot with a certain ethnicity of photographers, and you’re not it, then she’s not going to favor your business. If she has any preconceptions of creepy old pervy rapist men taking away her innocence, then odds are, she won’t show up. This is some very matter of fact stuff.
5. Immaturity - If she thinks she’s a princess just because she’s been told that her whole life and then she realizes she actually has to work to get paid, then that disillusionment might have her vision of reality crumbling. It’s not enough to just be pretty, because to monetize it requires skill… and maturity.
6. Money - It could be #1 on the list, but sometimes you want to think that a model understands how the money flows back and forward, between model and photographer. If a model doesn’t get x-amount of money and that’s the sole purpose of her business interaction with you, then odds are, she won’t show up. She’ll drop her obligation with you (a planned shoot) for someone who offered her more. The sad truth is that most Internet models are in it just for the money. So keep that at the top of their priorities.
Those seem to be the standout ones I can think of in a glance. If all fails, use your best judgement. Like most animals, if you don’t want to engage anything you already perceived as a threat, you wouldn’t engage them anyway. So a model that doesn’t want to work with you anyway, but saw that you were offering money, will no-matter-what NEVER work with you. That’s just the way it is.
However, to end it on a positive note, thank goodness you didn’t get stabbed or robbed, or killed, and ended up on the evening news accused of being a rapist. That, and there are plenty of open-minded and willing models out there wanting to be your muse. You just have to find them. Or in a blue moon, they’ll find you.
Sep 26, 2012 11:03PM
I didn’t pay too much attention. First it was an article about Flava Flav mistaking Country Pop Princess Miley Cyrus for Gwen Stefani, then she’s making appearances on Two and a Half Men. Someone’s trying TOO hard. This usually means it’s the end of her career. Usually, a starlet will have staying power if she just sticks to one demographic. I have no idea who Miley Cyrus is trying to appeal to now. Did her “faithful” fans change their tastes or what? She’s going to try singing like Rihanna next?
It’s an interesting thing to observe… and to dissect. Maybe we will be seeing an Asian female popstar rise to fame, otherwise Miley wouldn’t be grasping at straws like this.
Sep 26, 2012 6:31PM
Get this: Hong Kong tycoon will pay ANY man out there $USD 65 million to “seduce and wed” his lesbian daughter.
This is his daughter (the one on the right that looks like Brandon Lee) with her lesbian lover (who looks like Yoko Ono).
Alright, playas, get them seduction skills and baller skills up and ready, time to make some money!
Sep 24, 2012 8:49PM
Let’s get real. This is quite possibly one of the UGLIEST Hollywood couples out there. And Arnold is bragging about get hisself a 20-year-old honey after his “split” with Maria. Get real. Arnold may have contributed to the definition of male machismo in the past 40+ years to all the beanpole losers, fatherless dopes, and latent homer-sexuals, but the man isn’t exactly a “beautiful” man. The best 20-something tang he’s getting is in the form of, wait for it…
Snooki will go down on ANYONE. Let’s get real. The thought of a former action hero, such as Arnold, in ANY sexual context NOW is pretty gross. And I rest my case by you just looking up what the mother of Arnold’s love child looks like. It’s the world we live in and it’s superficial, shallow, stupid, and most importantly pretentious. This German nigga got swag (that’s from Arnold’s Korean press agent).
Sep 24, 2012 4:47PM
Gah-dayum! Look at them jumblies! Kat Dennings should dye her hair red and fight Christina Hendricks in Jello.
Sep 13, 2012 9:13PM
Nuff said.