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Sep 12, 2012 10:32PM
On today’s recycled beauties:
After someone mentioned randomly how horrible the film “Ishtar” was, I had to look it up to see what the fuss was, then a beautiful face caught my eye.
Isabelle Adjani, one of the cast members of Ishtar.
Well, seems this “look” carried from the 1980s all the way through the 1990s with the likes of Sophie Marceau, Monica Belluci
All French. Just shows that beauty can be recycled.
Sep 12, 2012 7:15PM
My god! I was flipping through the TV channels and there’s that mutt-face on PBS, Benjamin Franklin! Jesus jumping jehosephat!
Sep 11, 2012 10:43PM
Jimmy Cameron’s “Titanic” is coming out on Bluray in all sorts of editions: 3D, 2D, boxed, etc.
We know the scene. That’s actually James Cameron drawing her, by the way.
Check it out at Amazon.com:
Sep 10, 2012 11:28PM
actually light skin is something koreans are positive about. they prefer light skin to tanned skin, and actually hyuna got a lot of hate during Bubble Pop where she wore fake tan. and circle lenses are very popular in korea too, have you not heard of ulzzangs? big eyes, milky skin and long hair is korea's ideal type of beauty.
Sep 10, 2012 4:29AM
Halle Berry as a “white woman”. This is bad. Very bad. Where’s Shawn and Marlon Wayans for sideline commentary? I find it hard to believe the Wachowskis are using the “makeup” as an excuse to bring back blackface and yellowface. Granted, I hear that there are even some Asians playing whites, but the whites playing Asians is god awful caricatures. There’s no going around it. Asians with their “crooked, chinky eyes” still have a symmetry and aesthetic look. The white actors in yellow-face look like they’re melting or literally retarded. So, there it is. That’s how white people see Asians.
Sep 10, 2012 12:53AM
Okay, before I lose my train of thought for tonight, regarding Hyuna, the Korean pop star featured along Psy in YouTube sensation music video Gangnam Style. It’s just my personal opinion, but I do not find her very attractive simply due to all that work done to her face, especially her eyes. This is a common trend overseas where the Asian women are getting their eyes “widened” to appease American standards of beauty, aka “the white standard”. Her skin even looks like it was lightened. Looking now like an alien. Then you hear her “sing”. If you want to represent “Koreans”, why not look “Korean”. To me, that boggles my mind. I guess she’s Gungnam styo after all.
Sep 7, 2012 4:44PM
Ned Flanders has a sense of humor. Some women will think he looks like Marlon Brando or Hugh Jackman, some will think he looks like That Yellow Bastard from Sin City, but Uncle Terry thinks himself David by Micolangy. Thems the beans, ladies and gents, that’s how you gits teh wimmens. You have to put the time and effort into your body like Uncle Terry.
Sep 1, 2012 11:09PM
The lovely Fiona Horsey. One of those beautiful faces (and bodies) that just pops up sometimes in random movies.